Free: HUNTERS!! Browning Red Antler Necklace - Necklaces - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: HUNTERS!! Browning Red Antler Necklace

HUNTERS!! Browning Red Antler Necklace
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The listing, HUNTERS!! Browning Red Antler Necklace has ended.

Get your browning deer and antler necklaces and earrings now. I'm going to list a few more, after that they are going to a flea market booth.
This listing is for a red browning antler necklace. It's on a 18" box chain. IF a man would like this, I can put it on a longer ball chain if needed, just let me know when the listing ends. I have tons of different colors and styles of browning necklaces.. More ANTLERS and NEW ones listed, so look at those! If your bidding on more than one item and one ends, PLEASE let me know that you have others with bids. Even if it doesn't end for a few days. I'm needing to save s much as I can on shipping. I'm just getting further in debt, which I just can't do anymore. So please, let me know. I'd SO appreciate it. Thanks for looking, be sure to check out all my other jewelry.
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HUNTERS!! Browning Red Antler Necklace is in the Jewelry & Watches | Necklaces category