Free: 2 Wizard101 codes. 100 starting bid. - Video Game Prepaid Cards & Codes - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 2 Wizard101 codes. 100 starting bid.

2 Wizard101 codes. 100 starting bid.
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The listing, 2 Wizard101 codes. 100 starting bid. has ended.

1 time use codes for various items (gold and other items) on w101. However this time I am giving away 2 base. if this gets at least 12.5k (12500), i'll bump it up to 4 codes. I am not going to do any kind of GIN because i don't have seller wings. Even if i were, i would charge about 20k for only the 2. You have 7 days rather than 10 this time.
Questions & Comments
I want this so bad so what are the codes for?
Jun 5th, 2015 at 6:16:44 AM PDT by

2 Wizard101 codes. 100 starting bid. is in the Video Games & Consoles | Video Game Prepaid Cards & Codes category