The listing, Must See! Winner gets all. Huge full art, mega and ex Pokemon lot. has ended.
To start things off this is not a tiered auction. Winner gets every card in the pictures. make sure to look at all pictures. Every card is in mint condition (:
The cards are :
Full art toxicroak ex
Full art lucario ex
Full art emolga
Full art head ringer
Full art jamming net
Full art heracross ex
Mega heracross ex
Mega kangaskhan ex
Mega blastoise ex
Hawlucha ex
Manectric ex
Virizion ex
Deoxys ex
Hydreigon ex
Aegislash ex
Xerneas ex
If bidding reaches over 275k I'll add surfing pikachu, flying pikachu , birthday pikachu and promo psyduck I'll add pictures when it reaches 275k
all of those other cards in the picture are from primal clash or roaring skies ! Let's just start off with 40 extra cards !(: the higher the bids the more cards I'll add. I'll also update my status to let you guys know (: I'll also try to add Pokemon packs and more Pokemon items (:
The value for all these cards are easily $150 , look them up if you don't believe me (: you will be surprised.
Feel free to ask questions or ask for better pictures (: