The listing, Fun Auction for Coke Rewards Points Chance to Win HUNDREDS of POINTS has ended.
This auction is starting at 25 Coke Rewards, but you have a chance to win all Coke Rewards shown in the Picture...which is HUNDREDS OF POINTS!!
*In order to win the Coke Rewards shown, you must guess exactly how many points are shown, not the number of caps, but the number of points, *and be the winning bidder of this auction
*Each cap is worth 3 points!
*If you guess the correct number and do not win the auction you will be still be awarded an additional 100 coke reward points!
*If the number is correctly guessed and the winner of the auction is not the same who guessed, they will also be awarded an additional 100 points, as well as the amount determined by the ending credit.
*Guessing Terms*
You only get 1 Guess Per Bid, Per Day (i.e. each day you bid, you get one more guess)
If you guess and do not bid, you're guess will be ignored
*I know these rules can be a little confusing so please feel free to ask questions!!
Here's the way the base credits(the credits you are actually bidding on) work:
0-500 Credits - 25 Points
501-1000 Credits - 50 Points
1001-3000 Credits - 100 Points
3001-5000 - 250 Points
5001+ - 400 Points
*Good Luck*
*Since this auction id for such a large amount of caps, I will be mailing them out!
*If I do not hear from winning bidder within 7 days of auction ending, I relist the item and keep the credits.
*If you have a problem, just say something, I'm sure it can be resolved!