You were begging on someone else's auction to not be blocked, but you must not remember because your gig is to harass people on other peoples auctions, this auction proves it, ha
Children should not be allowed to play on the computer without adult supervision. Everybody already knows your game, stop trying to bad mouth me just because I speak THE TRUTH. go somewhere else with your lies and stop insulting sellers with your low ball offers. Anybody who has clicked on your feedback page has seen that you offer 2-3K for HD codes then turn around and re-list them for 15-20k. Get a life and stop blowing up this poor girl's spot.
Ofteda quickly snatched a 3k gin I asked for from soneone seconds after they added it whike I went to get it, and relisted it for 10k. Always asking for low gins and selling very high claiming its too low to offer a reasonable gin.