Free: Physician's Formula Sexy Booster Bronzer and Sexy Booster Glow Blush NIB!! - Face Makeup - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Physician's Formula Sexy Booster Bronzer and Sexy Booster Glow Blush NIB!!

Physician's Formula Sexy Booster Bronzer and Sexy Booster Glow Blush NIB!!
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The listing, Physician's Formula Sexy Booster Bronzer and Sexy Booster Glow Blush NIB!! has ended.

**Sexy Booster Sexy Glow Bronzer**

Irresistibly Sexy Bronzer Glow: Wear this perfect blend of bronze and gold like lingerie for your face for an instant sexy boost with an alluring glow.
Sexy Boosting Formula: infused with the scent of warm vanilla, "afterglow" illumination and pheromone-mimicking ingredients including clinically tested Androstadienone, Cocoa Extract (aka "the Love Chemical") and ancient aphrodisiac ***** Goatweed to enhance your sexy side.
Highly rated bronzer with a spectacular sun-kissed glow!

**Sexy Booster Sexy Glow Blush**

Irresistibly Sexy Blushing Glow: Wear this perfect blend of shimmery blushing tones like lingerie for your face for an instant sexy boost with an alluring blushing glow.
Sexy Boosting Formula: infused with the scent of warm vanilla, "afterglow" illumination and pheromone-mimicking ingredients including clinically tested Androstadienone, Cocoa Extract (aka "the Love Chemical") and ancient aphrodisiac ***** Goatweed to enhance your sexy side.
Beautiful pink natural glow with a soft sheen

Both New in Box

Good luck and happy bidding!
Questions & Comments
Hiya all! Someone had messaged me that I could get more credits for the items that I have. However, I don't want to partake in devaluing the credits on this site. When I returned back to listia I realized that the credit value had deeply changed. Just like currency, if the value keeps getting lower, this site won't have any worth anymore. I just saw a $25 gift card sold by listia that went for 180,000 credits. That's ridiculous. Considering they give those away all the time it is unnecessary to bid that high and listians should simply just wait for the next one. In one hour. A $40 makeup item shouldn't be 160,000 credit. $30 shoes shouldn't be 120,000 credits. Listian should control where the value lies, and lowering it helps no one.
Jun 21st, 2015 at 9:59:23 PM PDT by
Amen my friend. It's unreal how much things have changed since I've only been on here for lil over a yr. When I first started on here I started dealing with this lady I'd get two big lots from her monthly for 55k. Then she went up to 77k for same items now she charges 200k for the same items and less at that. I don't deal with her anymore because I'm sorry I think it's crazy. People tell me all the time I can get more for my stuff and first thing I tell them is yes I know but I don't believe in ripping someone off. I enjoy my fans and repeat customers and to keep them they are gonna get stuff for great prices as long as I'm not losing out which I'm not then no need to up. And the gift cards are unreal. I listed my first gift card last month. $25 it went for 150k blew my mind. I felt bad taking that much from the buyer but I didn't place a gin because it was my first one listing but it's crazy how the prices have changed it really is and I'm starting to see less n less on here lately as well.
Jun 25th, 2015 at 10:08:02 PM PDT by

Physician's Formula Sexy Booster Bronzer and Sexy Booster Glow Blush NIB!! is in the Health & Beauty | Makeup | Face Makeup category