nice pen but aution is kinda misleading as it could not be antique The aircraft's initial designation was 7E7, prior to its renaming in January 2005. The first 787 was unveiled in a roll-out ceremony on July 8, 2007, at Boeing's Everett assembly factory, by which time it had become the fastest-selling wide-body airliner in history with 677 orders. By June 2011, 827 Boeing 787s had been ordered by 59 customers, with ILFC having the largest number on order the first no testing plane is scheduled to be delivered to japans All Nippon Airways on the 26th of this month
Yikes! I'm impressed with your knowledge! I'm certainly not trying to mislead anyone.......I just got a bunch of stuff from an aunt's estate and this was in it. Most of her stuff was from the 1960's (which young people consider "antique" nowadays) and I wasn't sure where else to list it........not exactly a collectible, or household good, etc. There's currently a 1984 road atlas listed in antique, so I felt pretty Ok about it......... Thanks for the info! I'm sure the bidders will take it into consideration.
this would verry well fall into a collectable category as lots of people collect advertizing items such as nice pens , lighters and watches even matchbooks and such verry easy mistake too i did not know myself untill i googled it. i just wanted you to know. allso you should tell this to winner upfront and give them the chance to backout without harm to your or there feedback if they dont want it relist it as collectable. btw this is just my opinion i am not a mod or anything