Covers & pockets are different. Covers are 1 layer (just PUL) & pockets are typically 2 layers (PUL & something else that has an opening that can be stuffed with something to create absorbency). Can you clarify which it is or if its a mixture how many of each. Thanks!!
Ok thank you. I'm still deciding on these. The bleach use I could understand and get around but the Gain... I'm a little Iffy on. Gain has too many enzymes, perfumes, dyes and fabric softener which all wrecks havoc on cloth diapers.
Can you try to answer these hun. How old are these? We're these ever bleached? We're these ever washed in chemical soaps?? (Tide, All etc.) Is there serious wear on the elastic??
Yes in bleach before wash and when washed used gain and no wear on the elastic only used them for two months before daycare wouldn't let us use them anymore