FREE: Zapit Games Gamewave W/4 Remotes and 3 Trivia Game Discs
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The listing, Zapit Games Gamewave W/4 Remotes and 3 Trivia Game Discs has ended.
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This is the Zapit Games Gamewave system. Included are 4 Degrees The Arc Of Trivia Volume 1 and Volume 2 and Re Wind Relive the Events of our past. That is 3 game discs with cases. 4 remotes are also included: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow and the system is expandable up to six. Red and blue has batteries. The system also doubles as a DVD Player. The disc tray sticks sometimes but it otherwise works great. Needs an S Video cable and RCA stereo plugs or an RCA A/V cable Due to lack of money, we will not be able to ship until the 30th. However, if winner decides they are willing to pay for shipping we will be willing to work something out Especially for a Winner that uses GIN.
Questions & Comments
We have one of these and my parents sell them in their Christian book store. Very cool system for the family.
Got it from a friend who couldn't play it anymore because he learned everything over time and became too good for anyone to get an edge on him. One good feature is that it acts as a multi-region DVD Player. It Plays NTSC and PAL that I know of at least.
There are 2 ways to hook this up. 1. s video cable for picture and RCA Audio cable with red and white plugs for sound or 2. an RCA Audio Video cable that has the red, white, and yellow plugs for video and sound. I described that it needs one of these two hook ups, they are not included. However, I will try to include the audio video RCA plugs if they turn up or I can buy them on the 30th or sooner money is tight. If some one uses GIN I will definitely not ship it without a way to hook it up. With Gin, I'll send an S video for picture, it is a little better quality than an RCA video plug but, winner's TV must have the S video input.