Free: Book: AGAINST ALL ENEMIES by Richard Clarke - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Book: AGAINST ALL ENEMIES by Richard Clarke

Book:  AGAINST ALL ENEMIES by Richard Clarke
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The listing, Book: AGAINST ALL ENEMIES by Richard Clarke has ended.

Against All Enemies” (Inside America’s War on Terror)
by Richard A. Clarke (original price $27.00)
--No one has more authority to make that claim than Richard Clarke, the
former counterterrorism czar for both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.
The one person who knows more about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda
than anyone else in this country, he has devoted two decades of his professional life to combating terrorism. (Exert from front flap)
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Book: AGAINST ALL ENEMIES by Richard Clarke is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category