FREE: Solid 10k ring with accent diamonds and could be 18k
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The listing, Solid 10k ring with accent diamonds and could be 18k has ended.
This is my aunt's engagement ring. She said it is 18k, but the ring mark look 10k to me. She said it is 18k because jeweler at store told her so at the time. But, like I said, marks look 10k to me, but it is faded so could be.
She does not want because her husband one day told her he was gay and left with another. Sad.
Questions & Comments
Love the ring, people have the right to "come out" anytime in life but dang!!! I know a few people who did the exact same thing, and most of them had pretty good reasons, still....very devastating!!! Tell her to hold her head high and move on. No one has anything to be ashamed of, I'm sure both sides will have a hard time adjusting....sounds like she has a great shoulder in a niece such as you.
Wow, good luck to you. My parents have one ring as their engagement and wedding ring. This would be perfect. Save you money from buying it in the store. You can use that extra money on your kids. :)
Tell your aunt it's not the end of the world. A great way to meet a nice guy is to take classes. Cooking classes, art, ect. I've met some great people since I started getting out of my own "comfort zone" and having some fun :)
lol, my 80 years old widowed mom is still tearing up the dances up & down the coasts of Florida & has to fight the guys off! She's lucky she found out while she's still young!
Hard to find a man in your 60's???? Omg, I'm in my mid 50's and the oldest guy I date is 50, the youngest is 28!!!!! She needs a boost of confidence, I know I sure did. I have too many dates and not enough nights in the week! I'll come get!
I am looking at 55 and still dating so chin up auntie! I agree with cooking or some other class, maybe painting? Get out there! Still keeping an eye on this ring, a bit different
No do not try to bend it. It will be bent already if it a softer gold. I'm sure everyone appreciates your efforts especially your aunt. She is lucky to have a caring person like you in her life :) I would bid on your adorable pup in profile pic too. What a sweet face
I will have to respectfully disagree. My $10,000 wedding ring is labeled as 14k. We bought it from shane co (search if you want). It is not labeled as 14kt as you said. I rarely see jewelry that is gold to be labeled as 14kt. Sorry, but I trust shane co and believe my $10,000 as solid gold instead of plated even if it is labeled as 14k instead of 14kt. If you have been dealing with gold for 10 years, I question your expertise and motive if this simple labeling is unfamiliar with you. Therefore, you are blocked.
Very pretty ring & tell your aunt life is too short to worry about what might ot happen. A good way to tell 10k from 18k is 18k is very soft and the band would be bent to shape her finger but 10k will stay reasonably round as it is harder and many shanks are made with this for durablility
Thank you. I will. I am too scared to bend anything. I do want to mess things up. I was doing some gold testing the other day and the acid burned through one of my tester gold earrings. It was split in half. Scary.
Wish Listia had cruises on here for bids. We could get one for your aunt and get her out there. My sister is 56 and dating a 28yr old among others. She is having the time of her life. I was a widow for a lot of years my husband was 20 years my senior. it was tough but I took a cruise and then put myself out there. I am way overweight. There is a website, just for seniors to meet others in their area. It is a great place to meet others. just fyi
Tell her to join a nice large church and I'm sure she will find a nice man. I too was married for 30 years and 2 children before I divorced my first husband but with him it was drugs and women. After I had to quit work because of my health he got worse than ever. But I already belonged to a large church I met a wonderful man 6yrs my junior but he is the love of my life. We have so much in common. Good luck with the ring.
Tell your aunt life is definitely NOT over at 60 !.. When I was 50 ( and Fabulous) I married after being single for 27 yrs..He passed away 3 years ago and I too thought I would never love again. It's like being snow white -- you have to kiss a lot of toads before you find your prince ! I am now 62 and dating a 56 yr old widow ( over a yr) ..There is love out there when you least expect it. Best of luck to her.
Fanned and Watching, Such a beautiful ring, with such a sad story, (same thi9 happe2 to my cousin, and they had a 10 year old son), so sad. Lovely ring though.
Sorry for your cousin. My aunt has 2 kids with him. He wasted her youth by not being honest. She feels lonely and broken. Maybe the bids will be nice for this ring and I get her another one in here. :)
Love this dainty ring and would love to own it also. I would be more than happy to give it a new happier home. Already a fan and watching posted to facebook