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The listing, Rainbow loom Creations has ended.
This is my rainbow loom collection I am selling it I made it myself I'll also include 2 free looms and a hook also what I'm selling is phone cases lip balm holders pencil pouches lipstick holders bracelets and baskets lip balm holders pencil holders also i can make a banner with your name on it and charms and scarfs and hand sanitizer cases
Questions & Comments
If you can please add a list what you going to sell.Because can't get clear idea.
p.sd. you can't GIN Yet you have to be here awhile some forget that i suppose or didnt notice you were new maybe Hope you do well Many wait till last min to bid so dont get discouraged
it's almost time I Do hope you get to answer questions and you do very well Unless you say different were led to think EVERYTHING In the photo is included in this Auction but i do see picture frames and their not mentioned in the description PLUS Your offering to make persons name Thats a lot of work You seem Very Kind and You deserve for Enjoy this experience of Your First Auction , All your Auctions Is there ANYTHING Any of Us can do to Help You ? it Will Help Everyone if You could list the items " included OR Not included " from the Photo Probably what's not is easier you have so very many OR Is it Possible you meant to let the Winner Pick something and you were just meaning to show what you have to offer that they can Choose from ? Not All BUT MOST Members are Very Nice / Understanding Sadly i Might not be online by time you answer i do have to leave for Work before this ends Wishing You BEST OF LUCK ! (*_*) And Hope it is a good experience for You with Many more to come =)
hi, just wanted to ask if mabe you could verify your account? People would bid a lot more if you do, just a piece of friendly advise :-) and welcome to Listia, it really is great fun and there are lots of nice stuff for everybody's taste on here. Hope your first auction is a roaring success!