The listing, Evolutionary Sets of Pokemon Cards!!!!! has ended.
This auction is for a bunch of full evolutionary sets of pokemon cards!
The first 500 credits gets you one set of your choosing. For every 500 credits added to the final total, another set will be added.
500=1 set
1000=2 sets
1500=3 sets
If the final bid reaches 5000 or more, i will throw in 3 random super rare cards.
Most are mint - near mint condition, but some are slightly damaged. those that are damaged are not for collectors, but they are still good for battling.
Baltoy x2, Claydol
Baltoy x2, Claydol
Baltoy x2, Claydol
Kabuto, Kabutops
Rhyhorn x2, Rhydon
Doduo, Dodrio
Lilipup x2, Herdier, Stoutland
Patrat, Watchog
Patrat, Watchog
Teddiursa x2, Ursaring
Cubone, Marowak
Munchlax x2, Snorlax
Munchlax x2, Snorlax
Clampearl, Huntail
Buizel, Floatzel
Buizel, Floatzel
Buizel, Floatzel
Shinx x2, Luxio, Luxray
Chinchou x2, Lanturn
Voltorb x2, Electrode
WARNING: you MUST provide your VERIFIED address if you want the cards. If you do not, you will not be receiving the cards and I will be keeping your credits.
Any questions? Ask away!