I ship free if you live anywhere in the united states if you can read it says united states it does not say uk london canada japan china or international !!!! no no no no no i guess im going to have to write it on all my auctions but since noone reads anyways i dont think it matters so for the 10th time this week no no no unless you live anywhere in the united states i will ship for free if not thank u for stopping by ! no!!
don't worry someone will out bid u , u need to read the description before bidding it clearly says I ship free in the united states it doesn't state anywhere else ,I'm going to have to start adding this in my auction description whether anyone reads the whole thing or not but this is about the 10th time this week asking me these dumb questions when its clearly slated that it only ships in the united states.... don't worry someone will outbid u I'm sure ,thank u tho sweets ..
Well read the rules if you dont know it clearly states free shipping united states how hard is that to read n if you dont bug off i will go to listia n file a complaint that youre stalking n rude
Those are eos I bet I sell those too I think this is Walgreen getting on the band wagon with the 5 awesome flavors trying to mimic them I've not had one of these yet I grabbed them so fast I didn't get an extra one for me to try not only that I'd probably be sunk like with my eos I want every flavor...good luck if you're bidding sweets .thanks
No I dont I dont even k ow how to start something like that im pretty much not tecky I wish I did know id sell my bracelets on there or esty or something but just have no idea how to start thank u for asking tho ♥♡♥
Sorry listia doest do gins for less than 2000 n if thats an error and suppose to be 17000 i do gin my eos for 11,999...... let me know i do have extras no pink lemonades tho ...