well ive been trying to scan the cad and put a pic up, but its not going so well, but its in decent condition, it has a lil bit of yellow stain on the top and bottom from ttape about 10 years ago, a lil bit of tape remains on the card but i do not wanna pull it off because it might pull some of the letters or graphics off.
I likey!!! A friend is one of the MLB guys that made big push to have All his accomplishments on the field recognized. I met his wife. Watching, Fanning, & Bid!
Sorry, the blue border thats added..is it making the corners that strong..or is the card that good.. ? Was the card cropped? Sorry, it's just a dream come true for a card in THAT condition to be on Listia? I'll be in over 700 , if you will answer my questions...and put an uncropped one up, if you cropped your card.. (Corners effect value) THanks again, greatttt auction! (I know I'ma girl...I was born into baseball family< lol)
it will not let me change the pic but i will upload a pic to my facebook and you can see it their. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=256843971025080&set=a.256843834358427.62427.100000984379700&type=3&theater