Free: Handcrafted "Happy Father's Day" Greeting Card ~ Deer - Birthday - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Handcrafted "Happy Father's Day" Greeting Card ~ Deer

Handcrafted "Happy Father's Day" Greeting Card ~ Deer
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The listing, Handcrafted "Happy Father's Day" Greeting Card ~ Deer has ended.

Welcome! One handsome handcrafted "Happy Father's Day" greeting card. The inside is blank and ready for your own personal sentiment. Comes with envelope.

Free shipping. Please let me know if you have any questions. I have a pet friendly, smoking home.
Questions & Comments
Can you put Grandpa Jerry on it in the corner to the left of the Deer and all set for next year,
Aug 19th, 2015 at 6:02:47 PM PDT by
That would be no problem :)
Aug 19th, 2015 at 7:54:38 PM PDT by
Also can u put a pretty verse inside as I said I am often at a loss for words! :)
Aug 19th, 2015 at 6:03:47 PM PDT by
I sure can!
Aug 19th, 2015 at 7:54:49 PM PDT by
Off to sweep up leaves. With this drought, there are so many I think the neighbors are dumping theirs. I know their gardeners blew them over. You sweep & 2 days later the same amount of leaves.
Aug 19th, 2015 at 6:07:54 PM PDT by
It sure sounds like the neighbors are dumping theirs :) lol!
Aug 19th, 2015 at 7:55:18 PM PDT by
Or the leaves vacation here. If you mulch them with a blower they are supposed to make compost
Aug 19th, 2015 at 6:15:21 PM PDT by
They do make great compost...I layer our bins in the fall with them to winter over - helps hold in moisture without making the pile overly wet from the snow.
Aug 19th, 2015 at 7:56:32 PM PDT by
I don't have a blower though. Yada yada----I hear the ice cream truck--got to run!!
Aug 19th, 2015 at 6:16:27 PM PDT by
I don't have a blower either - I just keep mowing them up :)
Aug 19th, 2015 at 7:57:04 PM PDT by
Leaves leave me alone-------arghhhhhhhhhhhh!
Aug 19th, 2015 at 6:17:18 PM PDT by
Aug 19th, 2015 at 7:57:17 PM PDT by
U R Awesome. Smiling. What kind of bin? Did u make?
Aug 19th, 2015 at 8:26:30 PM PDT by
I found these scrap pieces of vinyl coated fencing at the dump/recycling center that are about 4' high. We cut them into lengths of 7 to 9' and then made them into a cylinder using the cut ends of the wire fencing to hold them together. After we set them in place, we used heavier wire bent into horse-shoe shape to anchor the cage to the ground so they wouldn't tip over once they start to get full. Once the compost is ready, we just pull the cylinder up off and waaa-laaa! :) sorry to be so long-winded - LOL
Aug 19th, 2015 at 8:44:20 PM PDT by
Ooh that sounds wonderful!! Yo are not long winded at all--just awesome & ingenious!! Wa-laaaaa I like that!! They cost a fortune & no way to get out.

Maybe u could put a pic on here w the card & then erase after I copy it. LOL.. You should Patten it. It sounds amazing!!
Aug 20th, 2015 at 1:11:49 PM PDT by
Thanks :) I will have to email you a photo, once we set them back up this fall....we have moved a lot of dirt around and are changing the garden location so I pulled the cages.
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 12:04:20 PM PDT by
They have this guy & he sells lots of plants & you have to buy his contraption & he buys a truckload of redwood chips--leaves them in a pile where they are dumped & says the next year he has the best soil. Your sounds much better! U R better than him & all free!!
Aug 20th, 2015 at 1:15:35 PM PDT by
I usually buy a black shredded mulch here by the dump load and spread it (in new gardens) initially 5" deep and then each year add another 2 to 3" - the bottom layer then continually turns to compost. We use the compost we make to freshen up the vegetable garden soil each year.
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 12:07:05 PM PDT by
The contraption is to make cuttings into plants & he just tells about the pile of redwood chips that he makes dirt out of.

Yours sounds 10000% better. You are so clever! LOL
Aug 21st, 2015 at 8:56:49 PM PDT by
Not sure what contraption you are talking about to make cuttings into plants....I take cuttings and usually root them in plain water or water with a baby aspirin. If your in a hurry, once the root starts to form you can use Root-tone (sp?) on the roots and place in the garden.....doesn't always work though.............
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 12:09:31 PM PDT by
Ooh the baby aspirin sounds great! I will try in a jar with water & aspirin for a plant I am not having any luck with. Yes, send when u get it up again, The shredded bark sounds ingenious & then adding compost to it. No wonder all my decorative bark disappeared--it went to dirt. LOL All that work for nothing & I bought by bag! Rubber bark I will buy next time. You should write your own gardening column. I would subscribe.

Off to put some palm fonds in the recycling. I had enough to make an umbrella--but I am not feeling that ambitiious, but I may get some zip. My zip zapped!!
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 6:21:21 PM PDT by
The thing is you are doing the plants a huge favor by buying the decorative bark :) Maybe try the plain old shredded then put the fancy stuff on top. Each year you can rack the "decorative" off - put down the shredded - then put the decorative back...............a lot of work though....your plants won't be as happy with the rubber bark :)
I wish I could say that about the palm fonds - just saying that makes me think of sunshine, sunshine, sunshine!!!
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 7:11:36 PM PDT by
Oh that is a good idea. I won't use the rubber then. Thanks for telling me! :)
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 11:12:54 PM PDT by
Your welcome :)
Aug 23rd, 2015 at 7:37:06 AM PDT by
Yes sunshine is right!! Got to have a palm tree. None in your area as I guess they freeze & no redwood trees in your area, but I do not get that as snow in Nevada & they grow--but............maybe they do have them somewhere,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ours we planted from a sprout as the lumber yard used to give free. Only one took & planted it much too close to the house, but a hundred years until it gets too wide/////////////but has to cut the ones over the roof which was painful.
Aug 22nd, 2015 at 11:21:12 PM PDT by
I'll have to look into the redwood tree and see if it would grow here. That is wonderful that they gave out sprouts! I'm so glad one of yours took, even if it is close to the house! Our winter was so bad this past year that many trees and bushes that have grown for years died or partially died - real sad. We lost a wisteria and our peach and plum tree are barely holding on :( We had too many days/nites below zero for too long :( We are hoping this winter won't be so bad. Not looking forward to it. Just trying to store up the sunshine before it gets here - lol!
Aug 23rd, 2015 at 7:44:02 AM PDT by

Handcrafted "Happy Father's Day" Greeting Card ~ Deer is in the Holiday & Seasonal Goods | Birthday category