Free: ^*^*^*^* TRUE CRIME *^*^*^*^ - Nonfiction Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ^*^*^*^* TRUE CRIME *^*^*^*^

^*^*^*^* TRUE CRIME *^*^*^*^
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Henry Lee Lucas~Dr. Joel Norris:Through Toole, Lucas was introduced to satanism, cannibalism, and homosexuality. This relationship also introduced Lucas to Toole's nephew and his niece Becky Powell. In the end, Henry and Becky were alone in the world they were tired, hungry, lost, and out of hope. A fight between them ensued, resulting in Powell slapping Lucas, and Lucas stabbing Powell in the chest, then raping and dismembering the corpse...he had just killed the one person in the world he had affection for, and this loss led to his ultimate conversion and endless string of confessions.Abominable living conditions, along with endless episodes of shocking physical and emotional abuse and believing one is nothing they are worthless,life has no value, nor does anyone else's, and you have a sure-fire recipe for a very dangerous person.During his confessions he seemed to have a good heart underneath it all, whether it was an act or not, but this monster was created in his early years, the programming into his mind that life has no value, people are garbage, sex is meaningless, and theft and violence is the only to get along in the world. He lived as a nomad, stealing and killing all his life until he was finally caught.His final years and death aren't included in this book, but at least it ends with him safely put away, and authorities worrying about other cases like this which may come up in the future.
A book that'll make you afraid to travel or even go out alone ... 304 pgs & 16 photo's (gruesome body photo)

My book library is getting low and so I am doing only 1 book at a time BUT still 6-8 books each week ! I still have some VERY gruesome and great books so don't fret ! Check out Bill82 my Hubby he has some awesome *Stuffed Man boxes up for auction. So the Men in your lives wont feel left out , lol !
¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´ (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`*.Thank you for looking and Happy Bidding.
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It also didn't help that his Mother dressed him up like a girl, complete with a dress & his hair in ringlets & sent him off to school. Of course anybody familiar with the case (as I'm sure you are since you've read the book) would know that.
Oct 3rd, 2011 at 1:26:32 AM PDT by
Yup very strange indeed , and sickening ! At one time I had an interrogation cassette tape with H.L.L voice during one of his brutal murder confessions. I haven't been able to find it in many years. And his voice just sent chills through me like nothing ever did !
Oct 3rd, 2011 at 6:49:06 AM PDT by
WOW ... Ok pay attention guy's , I have just FOUND the 7 minute taped CONFESSION of Henry Lee Lucas ! I have burned it in CD form and I will INCLUDE it with this Book ! FREE 7 MINUTE POLICE INTERROGATION OF his confession !!!
Oct 3rd, 2011 at 8:53:24 AM PDT by

^*^*^*^* TRUE CRIME *^*^*^*^ is in the Books | Nonfiction Books category