Free: Drop Resin Floral Amber Chain Pendant Necklace - Necklaces - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Drop Resin Floral Amber Chain Pendant Necklace

Drop Resin Floral Amber Chain Pendant Necklace
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The listing, Drop Resin Floral Amber Chain Pendant Necklace has ended.

Drop Resin Floral Amber Chain Pendant Necklace
Material: Metal, Lucite
Style: Pendant Necklace

*** The item will be shipped out within the 7 day time frame! The item is being shipped internationally from China, so the actual time you will receive your item will take a little longer.

Delivery could take as much as 30 business days, so please be patient if you bid and win! Business days include Monday through Friday because the mail does not run on Weekends or Holidays. If you can't wait for the item, then please do not bid. Every item does not take this long, but I am letting you know that there is a possibility your item will take that long to get to you. It usually takes between 2 to 4 weeks, but items have been known to take 45 days. PLEASE DO NOT BID IF YOU DON'T ACCEPT THE SHIPPING TIME!

I do not combine shipping on this item.

Feel free to contact me anytime with any questions or concerns...

I ship to United States ONLY.

**Have fun and Good Luck**

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Drop Resin Floral Amber Chain Pendant Necklace is in the Jewelry & Watches | Necklaces category