It can grow in a pot but they do better out side. They grow very quick and how big they get is something that vary's. I have had mine for 18 years and it needs cut back every year now. They will get very huge if you let them. Thanks for asking.
is it actually a tree? which should i plant it like far from my house lol or is it like a huge bush plant? sorry for such a stupid question gotta be certainly cuz moving soon and i wanna take it with me to other house ...
If you want it to be large I would recommend a large clear area. If smaller then trim back when you do not want it to get any bigger. It can be trimmed any time of year. I really enjoy braiding the long vines then make circles and tie them to the stronger vines this give it a different look. The next year I do something else with it .lol
If you trim it from the bottom up and train the vine on a stake it will turn into a tree like wisteria. I have had some of the vines grow up to 6 or more feet when it rains a lot. I have to prune these back or just clip them off. These can be planted to start more plants. The vines do like to trail in the grass and make new roots. This is what I am clipping for you.They make new plants. They do need to be protected with some type of clippings or leaves around the base of the plant in the winter. Thank you!