Free: Pokemon Card Lot (Magcargo/Magmar/Torchic/Combusken) - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Pokemon Card Lot (Magcargo/Magmar/Torchic/Combusken)

Pokemon Card Lot (Magcargo/Magmar/Torchic/Combusken)
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The listing, Pokemon Card Lot (Magcargo/Magmar/Torchic/Combusken) has ended.

This listing is for four Pokemon cards Magcargo, Magmar, Torchic and Combusken. They are adult owned and are in good condition.


First off, I live in a smoker(unfortunately) and cat friendly house.

I will only ship to verified addresses. If you will not provide a verified address then I will relist and keep your credits. I do not wish to be scammed.

I will not refund buyers remorse either.

I only ship within the United States. I ship for free so it won't be any type of special shipping, just a stamped envelope.

Please give me time to ship. I usually ship out the day after the end of the listing but I am human and things do come up.

Please, please, PLEEEAAAASEEE make sure you hit "got it" and leave feedback once you've received your item.

Feel free to contact me with any questions and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities.

Thank you for viewing my listing and if you decide to bid, good luck! ^_^;;
Questions & Comments

Pokemon Card Lot (Magcargo/Magmar/Torchic/Combusken) is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category