Lol 3k new people crack me up with their offers or thinking that 1000 credits are a lot. I really wish new people would watch some free shipping auctions and look at what Listia sells credits before giving an offer!
Ok he put in 50,000 so when I put 50,050 it outbid the other guy. I don't really like doing too high of auto bids too soon because of noisy people like myself who just want to know how high the bid is sometimes!
Yeah if the bid is at 3000 I could put in a bid of 60,000 and it would go up in increments as people tried to outbid me. Listia does this so if you see something you want you can just put in your highest bid but it will not show the top unless someone outbids you.
Oh yes, that I knew, I though you meant like auto bid option, no amount just if anybody bids you automatically outbid them. But that would be cheesy haha
If for example you put in 60,000 but the highest someone else bid was 50,000 then you would get the item for 50,050 pts and not have to use the entire 60,000. Hope that explains it well enough:)