You definitely can, but these dolls are targeted for adult collectors for customization. If you are interested in finding out more, look up "ooak bjd" or the company itself, "volks" :)
Unfortunately no. I'm already giving away a doll that costs a bundle away for free, and sadly I cannot afford to lose out on shipping this baby :\ Sorry.
I really, really, really want this doll! I have been dying to make shoes for them! :o) (Note to self......I must list more auctions!) I wouldn't be suprised if it reaches the 10,000 credit mark! :o)
I love her a lot, too, but I have a few too many and she happens to be the only one I have not gotten to customizing yet, so I decided to let her go to someone who would :3
Hi Just one more question! I was wondering about paying shipping If I win ^_^ Would it be ok to pay shipping with a money order? I would do pay pal but we had to close our account! thanks in advance!
Wow... this is something i NEVER thought I'd see on Listia.... these babies are soooo expensive *-* <3 I wish I had more points so I could bid on this!