This is a beautiful piece of Blue Sediment Sea Jasper Solid Copper Pendant. Sea Jasper is very soothing and helps to love one's self as well as others. It is very healing of the emotions and brings peace of mind. It helps with acceptance of responsibility and increases patience. Sea jasper heightens awareness in addition to balancing and stabilizing one's ability to handle the input from increased awareness. The circular patterns on sea jasper symbolize and help us realize that we are all interconnected and nature is a cyclical pattern. It can also help with circular breathing for healing or meditation. Being a type of jasper,sea jasper is a very protective stone, and any orbs ("eyes") enhance this in regard to protection from the "evil eye." Physically, sea jasper is beneficial to the digestion, digestive organs, removing toxins, lessen body odor. Sea Jasper is related to the heart chakra
In 1997 a gorgeous new find from Madagascar called "Sea Jasper." (Some are calling it "Orbicular Jasper" in reference to its colorful orbs, and some "Moon Jewel Jasper.") But "Sea Jasper" seems most fitting, as it was found right along the shore, actually being covered by water at high tide, and only accessible at low tide!
Sea Jasper is an agate by the standard definition (agate being translucent and jasper being opaque). Sea Jasper is rarely opaque. It was decided to call the material a jasper because rhyolitic patterns have been associated with the jasper category in the past and because "jasper" is listed as the mineral resource in the mining claims owned by Madagascar Minerals.
Now isn't that a facinating history about Sea Jasper? This is your chance to own this wonderful stone in a solid copper pendant. And it is the prettiest can almost hear the sea, the ocean breaking against the shoreline (Ok..I may be exaggerating a tiny bit), but only about the sound..not about how pretty this is. Stayed tuned for more beautiful jewelry.