Hey this is Tina I tried to upload the picture and it wouldn't let do it either ughhh.. People this is a beautiful dress it is white with pretty little red flowers green vines and a red sash bow across it Beautiful!!!!
Thanks Tina,I will keep trying! Thank you bammbamm179,yes I am already hooked on this site,I will fan you as well!(May take me a minute to figure out how to do it) :)
dose this dress run a little big? i have a almost 4 year old that is about 30lbs who do to lengh just started wearing 4t jeans. but can fit a 3t in the waist. so my question is do u think this would fit her. sorry i kno its a crazy question. lol thanks agian for ur time.
Not sure if it runs big or not,my daughter wore it last December,she just turned 4 in August,she is pretty tall for her age. I measured from the bottom of the sash and it was almost 17 inches,hope this helps :)