4: Tempest, Missile Command, Super Breakout, Asteroids, Centipede, and Pong. BTW, when you put the CD in and click "play arcade games" it'll then come up with a screen that says video not compatible, but if you click the mouse once it'll go to the screen where you can select what game to play and then it works fine (I'm not sure what it's talking about but it doesn't affect the game playing).
I wanted to bid more on this game but having some1 saying they don't want it then wanting to knw how many games makes me not want to bid any more not knw what they r doing still watching
yea this person is making it hard on some1 who really wanted the game but i wont keep biding cause they keep biding and then saying they don't want it I am very confused myself about it, I will keep watching. if they don't claim it will u relist it if U do could u please let me knw that U relisted it ty