Free: New "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" Book - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: New "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" Book

New "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" Book
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The listing, New "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" Book has ended.

I originally purchased this book for myself, but have not used it (just briefly looked at a few pages). I was looking for a more extensive guide to gemstones and semi-precious gems.

It is written by Judy Hall - International bestselling author of the "Crystal Bibles". Released in 2013 it is stated to be "the ultimate guide to crystals and how to use them". It contains over 450 powerful healing crystals, including an additional 50 stunning stones".

* Discover the best way to cleanse and activate crystals
* Learn the associations between crystals, the chakras, the zodiac and numerology
* Understand the unique properties associated with the colors of a particular type of stone
* Get helpful, authoritative advice on using crystals to heal.

Organized by color for easy reference, comprehensive index makes finding and identifying crystals properties. Detailed descriptions - beautiful pictures - to just name a few of the outstanding qualities of this book.

It is a paperback book (my only complaint) and weighs over 3 pounds. The pages are heavy duty so will last a long time.

Not a cheap book by all means! A must have book for jewelry makers, wiccans, pagans or anyone who just loves crystals.

Non-smoking home - but this book has been kept in the original shipping box - my dog can't read anyways.

All Listia Rules Apply.

Serious bidders only!
Questions & Comments
is that the one separated by color?
Oct 11th, 2015 at 10:35:43 AM PDT by
Yes it is.
Oct 11th, 2015 at 11:12:38 AM PDT by
Can you show pics of the inside?
Oct 14th, 2015 at 6:53:21 PM PDT by
I will add some pictures of the inside later today. They will be off the site I purchased the book from.

This is a Brand New Book. I will not crease any pages to take pictures. If it goes, the winner will receive the book as listed - NEW.

I also lowered the starting bid by 10,000 credits. Yes, I am trying to meet the 5 auctions goal for 100,000 credits each. If I happen to win anything - I will pass along my good fortune to my friends on Listia.

I have listed some very nice auctions - well worth the credits. I will also be listing some more items. So please check out my other auctions and the ones I will be posting soon.
Oct 15th, 2015 at 12:14:49 PM PDT by
Would you consider setting it up as a GIN?
Oct 16th, 2015 at 10:22:05 PM PDT by

New "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" Book is in the Books | Other Books category