Free: AQUA Glow in the Dark Powder for DIY Halloween Nail Art, Crafts, Decor, and more - Other Health & Beauty Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: AQUA Glow in the Dark Powder for DIY Halloween Nail Art, Crafts, Decor, and more

AQUA Glow in the Dark Powder for DIY Halloween Nail Art, Crafts, Decor, and more
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The listing, AQUA Glow in the Dark Powder for DIY Halloween Nail Art, Crafts, Decor, and more has ended.

Highest bidder will receive 1/4 tsp of AQUA Glow in the Dark raw powder.This powder has an off-white color in the daylight, and glows a bright aqua in the dark, after exposure to a light source (sunlight, household lights, flashlight, etc.). The brighter / longer the exposure, the brighter and longer the glow. This powder may be mixed with an assortment of mediums, including acrylic powder, UV gel, paint and more. Clear or light colored bases are best choices as dark colors will block the glow. This powder is heavy, so whatever it is added to should be mixed well before each use (or, even better would be to only mix on a per-use basis).

Most of my pictures are taken after 2 mins in my UV nail lamp.... I do NOT use blacklights or photo editing on my glow photos. The last 2 photos are of a glitter mix in clear UV gel that I wore over a french tip.

9-30-15 Glow Test: 3 mins in my UV nail lamp, then moved to total darkness - at last check (8.5 hrs after placing in a dark cabinet) I could still see a descent bit of glow with my semi darkness adjusted eyes.

Usage rate for glow powders is typically 5% to 40%, depending on application, and what medium is used. It has been my experience (while using it for nail art - usually with clear UV gel) that a little powder can go quite a ways :)

GIN will include a bonus goodie :)

Also, anyone who wins 2 or more of my listings that I can COMBINE THE SHIPPING on (listing ending within 3 days of each other), will receive an extra "Thank You" please let me know if you are bidding on multiple listings :)

Upon winning, please send me your VERIFIED LISTIA ADDRESS asap so I can send your item(s) out quickly. Thank you.
Questions & Comments
Will you lower the bid to like 5,000.. ill bid definitely one of my favorite colors and i just ginned one of your other auctions
Oct 15th, 2015 at 2:22:17 PM PDT by
Do you have a purple one too? Ill gin for 20,000 if ypu do i really want this lol ginning will be worth it..
Oct 15th, 2015 at 2:35:41 PM PDT by
Hello :) I do not have purple Glow in the Dark right now, sorry... I will probably be ordering in some soon though.
Oct 15th, 2015 at 3:55:22 PM PDT by
Ok thanks
Oct 15th, 2015 at 4:05:24 PM PDT by

AQUA Glow in the Dark Powder for DIY Halloween Nail Art, Crafts, Decor, and more is in the Health & Beauty | Other Health & Beauty Items category