The listing, 20g NoSe BoNe StUd BoDy JeWeLrY sUrGiCaL StEeL QuArTz CrYsTaL has ended.
One 1 NEW Nose, bone, stud, body, jewelry, stainless surgical steel, Quartz Crystal
Use GIN receive 6-six
√ First, every listia rule applys as well as my listed rules below.°
√ Only will ship to the USA FOR FREE°
√ Tracking is only used for items listed with a gin option of twenty two hundred (22000) or more only. If not, it is shipped through regular first class USPS mail, I*Write a Receipt of Payment. According to the federal government, a receipt is written documentation that a buyer paid a seller for goods or services.(Insurance)
√ Also, please remember I have seven (7) days to ship your item(s) after - You have provided your verified address, which you as well have seven (7) days after winning to get sent out to me.°
√ NO ∅ buyers remorse. (I am not a warehouse)!°
√ Last, please be nice to all Listians: (buyers, sellers, browsers, cruisers).
√Please feel free to ask any questions related, personal questions will not be acknowledge…
√Use your respectful manners , in other words… ~Please & Thank you~…° have a wonderful time Listian.
*★Happy° Bidding °Enjoy★