Free: ***Coaching the Artist Within: Advice from America's Foremost Creativity Coach*** - Other Books - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: ***Coaching the Artist Within: Advice from America's Foremost Creativity Coach***

***Coaching the Artist Within: Advice from America's Foremost Creativity Coach***
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***Coaching the Artist Within:***
*** Advice for Writers, Actors, Visual Artists, &*** ***Musicians from America's Foremost Creativity Coach***

Author Eric Maisel
Paper back: 226 pages

Maisel, well known in self-help and creativity aids circles, brings to this resource for writers,actors,visual artists,& musicians-as well as your average Joe or Jane-a lifetime of experience.This advisor to rockers & screenwriters organizes his latest title into 12 skill areas.Early chapters deal with "Becoming a Self-Coach" & "Making Meaning." Later ones focus on generating energy,centering, managing anxiety,perfecting creativity planning,& maintaining a creative life.These "skill lessons" help would-be artists stifle negative thoughts and develop and use scheduling skills for starting and completing creative projects.Each lesson features as examples artists of diverse disciplines,such as a dancer, singer,poet,& painter,& provides exercises designed by the author to help readers incorporate his methods into everyday reality.To succeed in the arts,commitment must lead to effective, concrete action.He shows the way to both.Well known in self-help and creativity aids circles,brings to this resource for writers,actors,visual artists,& musicians-as well as your average Joe or Jane-a lifetime of experience.Early chapters deal with "Becoming a Self-Coach"&"Making Meaning."Later ones focus on generating energy(even in the midst of day-to-day demands)centering,managing anxiety,perfecting creativity planning,& maintaining a creative life.These "skill lessons" help would-be artists stifle negative thoughts & develop & use scheduling skills for starting & completing creative projects.Each lesson features as examples artists of diverse disciplines,such as a dancer,singer,poet,& painter,& provides exercises designed by the author to help readers incorporate his methods into everyday reality.To succeed in the arts,commitment must lead to effective,concrete action!

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(I do wish I could offer free shipping but I am disabled and there is no way I can..SORRY)
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***Thanks for bidding and looking, good luck!*
Oct 12th, 2011 at 8:49:25 AM PDT by
This is a cool auction! Thank you for listing! ~ Will be watching and bidding!
Oct 17th, 2011 at 3:34:31 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Thanks its a great help you really get your creative juices flowing! :>
Oct 17th, 2011 at 4:52:25 PM PDT by

***Coaching the Artist Within: Advice from America's Foremost Creativity Coach*** is in the Books | Other Books category