Um???Okay???? Why did u just say chucky???? Thats kinda strange? I didn't ask that question isn't on ur chucky auction it's on your wirless gamecube controler? Lol could u please provide abother picture with ur user name on a piece of paper to prove that u own the controler :) cause not acusing u or anything like that , but this looks like u just got from the intenet or something, thats fine a lot of people do that to make it look pretty and everything thats fine, but u need to put one of the actual controler to prove that u own it, thanks so much :)
if I bid am I actually gunna get this? I need this really bad but idk if it's worth taking a chance. 0 feedback can u tell me anything to make me feel better?
I know better then to bid I think I've got burned on just about every new seller w/a good product but maybe just once a seller will come thru but idk I'm gunna regret this I know it