hi,, just a tip i wished id been given , took me 4th month before i accidently learned it,, ok the only way someone will get your reply is if you type in the REPLY Space , do that and a notification goes directly to their page so they know you responded and so they are reminded to return, HOVER OVER THE COMMENT BOX IM TYPING IN NEAR THE BOTTOM , Oh sorry cap ion,not yelling, when you do you'll see it appar ,the words LIKE , FLAG , REPLY ,, Flag is if someone leaves a horrible comment breaking the rules etc , you know what like is and reply CLICK REPLY A Box will drop down type there HOPE IT HELPS , Well it will , otherwise most forget to return or are to busy to , i got a notification i was outbid is the only reason i saw your nice reply Thank you,, =) Good Luck , ill be bidding right up to the last hour so see you again ,=)