Free: You're Invited to My Purple Party To Celebrate Being a New Legend! - Handbags - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: You're Invited to My Purple Party To Celebrate Being a New Legend!

You're Invited to My Purple Party To Celebrate Being a New Legend!
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The listing, You're Invited to My Purple Party To Celebrate Being a New Legend! has ended.

I'm Celebrating Becoming a New Listia Legend! I have a NWT Chocolate Striped Frenzee Hobo Bag
A Purple Next Digital Camera in box (won on Lisia) with Live Streaming Video
Silver toned Cross Pendant with Purple Stone
Dangling Purple Pierced Earrings
Amethyst Size 8 Ring Stamped 14KT GE ESPO
A Large Purple Costume Ring (Won on LIstia)
Purple Watch (Works)
Pomegranate Fizz Shimmer Body Spray
Orange Fig Vanilla Shimmer Powder
Orange Fig Vanilla Body Lotion
Lancome Renergie MicroLift
Nail Jewels
Sweet Pea & Violet Body Lotion
Purple Nail Polish
(3) Cream Eye Shadows
Eye & Lip Brush Kit
Body Scrub
Splat Lusty Lavender Long Lasting Hair Color
Bon Bon Flavored Lip Gloss Key Chain
Relax Eye Mask (Won on Listia)
Dr Scholls for Her Foot Softening Balm
(3) Max Factor Lip Colors
Lavender Hand Sanitizer
Purple Head Band (Won on Listia)
New Journal with Magnetic Closure (Won on Listia)
Word Search Book
Claires Little Desk set (stapler, staples, hole punch, tape)
Tri-Beads Rainbow colored
New pack Silly Bands
Pack of Chive Seed
(3) Packs of Cute Stickers

There's a little room left in the box, so I can add some extra special surprises if Gin is used.

Thank you for Coming to My Purple Party!
Take a peek at all the Legends Presents Auctions by simply typing...Legends Presents... into the 'I'm looking for...' search bar at the Top of the Page!
Legends Tammy
Questions & Comments
I'm very sorry but you may believe you are doing a good thing with your Listia Legends. Is it in the Rules and Regulations? If it's not then I think it's just another way for some people to say they are better then other people.

I personally do not believe that is true at all. I believe we are all the same in God's eyes. I did not see God mentioned once in that description of the Listia Legeonds at all. You may feel your something special now.

Actually you have been someone special all along. Welcome to being one of God's children.
Oct 20th, 2011 at 11:32:06 PM PDT by
I'm really sorry If the Legends offends you. They're purpose is to help people not to judge them. Since I've been a member of Listia I've never seen an instance where the Legends have done anything negative. They have been members of Listia long enough to learn the rules and a few tricks that help people with their listings, and shipping and other things and they go around and share their advice. I am proud to be a new Legend. I am not superior to anyone, I can still learn and I am. I'm sorry I didn't list it here, but I have always been proud of being a Child of God. Thank you for stopping by my party and I hope I cleared up any anxieties you have about the Legends and my faith.:)
Legends Tammy
Oct 21st, 2011 at 11:32:48 AM PDT by
Great auction! Are you sure about the kid?lol Just kidding,already have 5 ;p
Oct 19th, 2011 at 11:27:38 AM PDT by
Wow! 5? Really? I'd be crazy if I had 5. 3's to many. Good Luck!
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:08:10 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Yeah what is Legends???
Oct 18th, 2011 at 8:13:05 PM PDT by
I legt a comment on what the Legends are all about above. I hope this helps. Thank you for checking out my auction.
Legends Tammy
Oct 18th, 2011 at 10:31:54 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
This is an awesome auction, my fellow Legend & welcome to the family! :)
Dearest barbaraheffner, does Listia list God in any of their policies? I don't believe so & nor should he be there, for a few reasons... Not everybody believes in the same GOD, there are a number of different relgions & thus there are just as many different "versions" of the Almighty! This awesome auction & Listia, for that matter, have nothing to do with GOD!
Being a Legend does NOT make a person believe that they are any better than any other & it has NOTHING to with (or without) GOD! I do hope that Tammy does feel like she is somebody special because she IS & she was even before we were fortunate enough to have her join the family! I'm sure glad that you are able to acknowledge that Tammy is indeed one of God's children & that she is indeed special! Our family of Legends enjoy sharing our knowledge with each other, lending a hand & giving support when needed...I've received great advice & amazing help from some wonderful fellow Legends!
Thanks for your "blessings", Barb! Have a great day! :)
Kelly of the Listia Legends
Oct 21st, 2011 at 1:00:17 AM PDT by
Thank you Kelly, I believe you said it all, and in a true Legends way. Thank you so much. I do feel special becoming a Legend because now I feel I have a name to look up to and it makes me want to strive more to help others!
Legends Tammy
Oct 21st, 2011 at 11:42:00 AM PDT by
OH, MY!! I am ALL OVER THIS!! Fabulous listing! AWESOME Pics!! This will EXPLODE!! What a Low Gin, too, for all these GREAT items! NICE!!

Deana, of the Legends
Oct 17th, 2011 at 1:18:12 PM PDT by
Thanks Deana, I figured I go big for my first Legend listing.
Tammy of the Legends
Oct 17th, 2011 at 2:25:41 PM PDT by
Purple is my favorite color and what is the "Legends"???
Oct 18th, 2011 at 6:09:44 PM PDT by
To all the people wondering what makes a legends Special ??
it's not what you sell or how much you sell.
But in fact how you treat the people you buy and sell from..
To be a Listia legend we are accountable to all listia policys and rules
but go one step further than that we are accountable to each other..
For what we list and what we buy.
we understand it's not about credits but about enjoying what we do.
and that we stand by each other and share ideas that make a listing fun...
If you think that you can move personal wants aside and think you have compassion for others
than you could be a legend as well.
I personaly believe,,you will never buy or sell a item with a better group of people than the Legends..
If You feel you would like to be a member of the listia Legends, Then feel free to post using Legends Presents.
In your listing title. and be sure to always answer comments and messages with Legends (??? your name.)
But most of all visit other legends pages and show support by stopping by.
And remember legends will be stopping by your listing & maybe passing on some information,
that may help you with your sales or problems as well. Be willing to consider the advice.
And the most important thing is ALWAYS show respect toward other buyers and sellers.
So welcome aboard and have fun, and remember other legends are here for you
Oct 18th, 2011 at 10:28:18 PM PDT by
And one last statement.. I happen to have probably the nicest, fun, positive auctions everytime... I think that we should all be equal therefore certain people calling themselves legends is not in fact equal.. And no Im not saying this because I wish I were in the club
Oct 24th, 2011 at 11:41:02 AM PDT by
This is my opinion and not the Legends so I won't even sign this comment with Legend. I believe any one that goes to someone elses "Party" and just bashes them and tries to belittle them and make them feel bad doesn't deserve to be a Legend. I would never go to your auction that you try so hard to "make the nicest. funnest and positive" you can and bring such negativity. I have feelings too! Being a Legend doesn't make me superman. I happen to be fighting with depression and I just want to have fun on Listia, why would you come here and try to make me feel worse about myself. I say shame on you. Tammy
Oct 24th, 2011 at 1:52:32 PM PDT by
If you want your auction to get noticed then listia provides an option for "premium" or "bold"
Oct 24th, 2011 at 11:37:38 AM PDT by
Thank you, I am aware of all the options Listia provides and I have paid the extra to use these options when I felt I needed to. Thank you for taking the time to maybe help someone else that aren't aware of these options.
Legends Tammy
Oct 24th, 2011 at 1:45:14 PM PDT by
That's great that "legends" want to be there for each other but u guys need to start just fanning each other and looking each other up that way... I do not believe the title should have anything else but the item you are auctioning off. If you believe in treating everyone right then do not limit yourselves to the people in your club..that's just how I feel.. In my opinion if your title has info other than what is being auctioned it needs to be flagged..
Oct 24th, 2011 at 11:36:19 AM PDT by
I'm really sorry if you don't understand the Legends. We are not an exclusive group that only go to each others auctions. I actually tried to go to yours but was sorry to see you don't have any posted right now. It is my opinion that the title for a listing can have anything you want to put in it and I really could not imagine Listia removing every auction that has more than the items being auctioned in their title. How about Trusted Seller auction, or "You have to check this out", or "Celebrating 1000 fans, or having 100 Auctions, or any Celebrations.
Legends Tammy
Oct 24th, 2011 at 1:42:15 PM PDT by
**rolls eyes** another "Legends" shill bidding auction?? when will Listia do away with this cult???
Oct 26th, 2011 at 4:06:11 PM PDT by
I really don't understand how the Legends could be shill bidding. You'll have to explain this better. I don't see how my bidding on another Legends auction if they have something I want helps me unless I actually win the auction. It's the same as bidding on any auction on Listia that I like. Being a Legend hasn't "profited" me in anyway besides meeting a lot of very supportive and friendly people. I've done that since joining Listia. It's just that now that I've become a Legend I've met a lot more of the negative members of Listia. Oh Well, we are who we are!
Legends Tammy
Oct 26th, 2011 at 4:51:26 PM PDT by
Wow I have been reading a lot and continue to will finish more tomorrow was very amazed at some of the rude comments and many nice ones. Tammy honey you go for it I have only been here a month or so. I lost my only son in 2010 and I am trying to get rid of a lot of stuff also I love your auction. I love how you stand up and feel good about about yourself. I also hope one day to feel good about myself again. And would be honored to join any group of people that help me , So many people anymore need to be rude and not want to help anyone , KUDOS to you girl and hope to chat tomorrow .... You keep helping all you want and take me by the hand I need it lol .Legends Patty lol
Oct 26th, 2011 at 10:12:52 PM PDT by
Patty, I am so sorry about your son. I'd definitely love to take you by the hand. I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to one of my kids. Thank you so much for coming to my auction and being so supportive. We all need a little word of encouragement some times. That's the great thing about the Legends, you know they'll always be there for you. I'd like to include you as a new "Friend" or "Sister" if you don't mind. Please feel free to talk to me anytime. You can message me and privately chat any time also.
Legends Tammy
Oct 26th, 2011 at 10:29:25 PM PDT by
Be nice.
Honor other Listians.
After all, aren't we all here for the same reasons?
Most of us anyway? Don't we all have a desire to share?
To economize? To make it better for ourselves and others?
Listia Legends are trying to make it a bit easier for those who are new and for those who need help.
I know I needed help and didn't know about the Legends.
I had to fend for myself and didn't have a good first month or so.
Now, I am a new Legend and I promise... I will not let anyone go through what I went through if I don't have to.
Please be nice.
Don't insult people in their auctions.
Be private if you must.
And if you do, I hope the Listia Moderators take note and do something more than just watch.
Thank you and now back to my Legend!
Wonderful auction Tammy!***
Legend Nilda
Oct 26th, 2011 at 7:53:01 PM PDT by
Thank you so much girl, that was a mouth full. Have you been having people come to your listings just to tell you off too? I'm developing a thicker skin for it though. I know I'm not doing anything wrong. I'm still the same sweet, loving person I was before I started using the title Legend (I could not write that with a straight face ;>) and I'll remain a let's say good at heart person. (No ones perfect, LOL) I'm a girl and girls just want to have fun! So Let's Party!!!!
Legends Tammy
Oct 26th, 2011 at 8:47:12 PM PDT by
I've not had anyone tell me off, no... but I've had issues with Listia itself... one I just asked Vinnie help with. Listia seems to have just found it in themselves to arbitrarily take the words "Legend Presents" off of my first medium box auction. My biggest auction yet. That's just some of the ..."stuff" I've been going thru since I joined Listia. And I don't want anyone to go thru what I have gone thru and still go thru without support. Now, I hope to have that support with the Legends. And I hope that Listians will understand this.
Legend Nilda
Oct 26th, 2011 at 9:06:04 PM PDT by
Really, why would Listia do that. I thought they supported the Legends since the Legends support all their rules and try to spread the word about them. I've never had any problems with Listia. I've been scammed a few times but Listia has always given me my bids back. I didn't think it was right that someone can scam you and give you a negative feedback and Listia not be able to do anything about that. Otherwise I really love Listia and the majority of the members and I really like the fact that I'm a member of a positive "Group" like the Legends. I never worry about any of them coming to my auctions just to complain. I hope you start having better experiences now. We'll all stand behind you!
Legends Tammy
Oct 26th, 2011 at 10:15:04 PM PDT by
& you have such a cute camara!!!!! omgosh i'd die or faint if i won all that stuff =)
Oct 19th, 2011 at 4:20:23 AM PDT by
Thank you, I got the camera here on Listia. I looked at it and put it back in the box to add to my auction.
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:03:14 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I Pray I Win!.....please
Oct 18th, 2011 at 6:17:48 PM PDT by
Good Luck.
Legends Tammy
Oct 18th, 2011 at 10:30:28 PM PDT by
Wow very nice auction. I spread the word about your auction on my Facebook, fanned and watching. Oh and most of all bidding. I sure hope you have a great week and a off the charts auction turn out. You did a great job on this. Congratulations on being a Legend..
Oct 19th, 2011 at 11:23:43 PM PDT by
Thank you so much for spreading the word, and for all your encouragement. I hope you have a good week too. I fanned you back.
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:11:22 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
great auction! Fanned and watching!
Oct 19th, 2011 at 6:29:11 AM PDT by
Thank you, fanned you back!
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:05:02 PM PDT by
nice total fanned
Oct 19th, 2011 at 4:16:46 AM PDT by
Thank you!
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 12:57:27 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
nice fanned and watching
Oct 18th, 2011 at 9:46:05 AM PDT by
Thank you, fanned you back.
Legends Tammy
Oct 18th, 2011 at 5:05:46 PM PDT by
Oh oops.. Fanned you and watching.. :)
Oct 18th, 2011 at 6:10:14 PM PDT by
Thanks, fanned you back.
Oct 18th, 2011 at 10:29:23 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
so nice!!excellent job!!fanned & watching.
Legends Kandace
Oct 20th, 2011 at 3:51:45 PM PDT by
Thank you so much Kandace. Didn't I read you were new to the Legends too? I'll have to pop by your auctions!
Legends Tammy
Oct 21st, 2011 at 11:05:28 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
great listing and so many goodies it should do well watching and shared and welcome
Legends Dawn
Oct 17th, 2011 at 11:28:57 PM PDT by
Thank you Dawn, I'm proud to call myself a Legend like you.
Legends Tammy
Oct 18th, 2011 at 2:35:02 AM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
This is neat I have been planning on doing a purple auction as well
Oct 20th, 2011 at 5:06:37 AM PDT by
Great, I'll have to check it out when you do. I love purple. Thanks for checking out my auction.
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:12:42 PM PDT by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Wonderful auction - you'll do well with this one!!!!

Legends Patti
Oct 20th, 2011 at 5:47:10 AM PDT by
Thank you Patti for coming to my auction. It's always nice to have a Legend stop by!
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 1:13:43 PM PDT by
sooooo wishhh i could win this, i love the earrings & everything!!!!!!!!
i hope i could win...i dont win makeup or jewelry....
Oct 19th, 2011 at 4:18:29 AM PDT by
Good Luck! Never give up trying, you'll win one.
Legends Tammy
Oct 20th, 2011 at 12:58:42 PM PDT by
I was crazy at one! lol I'm a glutton for punishment.
Oct 20th, 2011 at 7:10:11 PM PDT by
Yeah, now that I think of it the 1st one did drive me a little crazy, he's going on 20 now and he still can get on my nerves!
Oct 21st, 2011 at 11:13:15 AM PDT by
Okay... stepping aside from being a Legends myself... a New one at that.. (forgive me Vinnie if I say something wrong here)
1. this is America and we can absolutely say anything we want as long as it is within the limits of what is not insulting to the terms of Listia's rules and regulations
2. this is America and if we want to believe in God or not, it is our right to or not to. Don't tell me what I can believe in or what I can't believe in... Legends or not.
3. If I want to join a group in hopes of being supported, then it is also my right to do so and it is not for anyone else to say it is right or wrong of me to decide to do so. It is MY decision to do so and not any one elses' business, is it?
4. Listia is an auction site and ANYONE can bid. ANYONE! Just because I present my auction as "Legend Presents" does not mean only Legends can bid. It never has and never will. It is an invitation for EVERYONE to not only bid, but to know that it is an extremely GREAT, generous and TRUSTED auction - that we have worked hard to gain and earn the trust of Listia and Listians and are supported by other Listians that, if anything should go wrong, you can go to other Legends to help you get your issue resolved.
Ignorance is not tolerated by the Legends.
It should not be tolerated by Listians.
It should not be shown in auctions.
It should not be talked about in other peoples' sites.
Oct 26th, 2011 at 7:52:25 PM PDT by
This is a really great auction, but I don't like the "legends" thing. Of corse that's just my opinion, and if you think that there is nothing wrong with it, then go for it girl. But I think its really silly and a bit ignorant..
Oct 26th, 2011 at 7:27:20 PM PDT by
I guess the Legends are how you personally interpret it. I've only seen where they've been kind, outgoing, supportive, and caring. So I interpret being a Legend as a good thing. People say they're a cult and talk bad about wanting to be a part of a group. I thought about that a lot today and I guess I've always been a group person, In school I had 4-H, and then when I got out of school I went in the Army. I guess I've always just wanted to be a part of a group that helped others. I've helped Seniors, people with disabilities, and I fought for my Country. Now I'm a Legend on Listia because I want to share my knowledge and help other people in any way I can. If you think that's ignorant, well. like you said, that's just your opinion. Thanks for coming to my party.
Legends Tammy
Oct 26th, 2011 at 8:35:29 PM PDT by
Now, back to the auction.....
Great listing !
Thank you for the time and effort you put into it. It shows.
Oct 24th, 2011 at 12:27:28 PM PDT by
Thank you so much, I really needed a kind word right now.
Legends Tammy
Oct 24th, 2011 at 1:58:25 PM PDT by
You have not offended me and have no reason to apologize. I gave my opinion.
But what I said was true too. Not everybody likes the " legends". I do not care what you call yourselves. I haven't had a problem with any of the auctions I've seen listed. Not everybody thinks it's something to be proud of that's all.
Oct 24th, 2011 at 3:20:12 PM PDT by
Well, I hope you like my "Purple Party". Thanks for stopping in.
Legends Tammy
Oct 24th, 2011 at 4:15:59 PM PDT by

You're Invited to My Purple Party To Celebrate Being a New Legend! is in the Clothing, Shoes & Accessories | Handbags category