The listing, Nice black Vecceli used bag has ended.
I'm NOT an expert on handbags. I love hand bags, but It doesn't matter to me if they are REAL or not. I'm just telling you what's on the bag.
Black embossed handbag by Vecceli Italy. Gold hardware top zipper, on main compartment, zipper pocket on one size and 2 open pockets on the other. Has a tan lining.
Bottom is approx. 15" middle is approx. 17" approx. 9" high. double straps are approx. 10". enough to wear on your shoulder. Not real leather.
Only thing I see wrong, it is missing one foot on bottom of bag. It never bothered me, if it does you, don't bid, or take the other ones off.
flat shipping is 8.00, If more I'll pay the balance.
I never make on shipping. IF you win more I'll recalculate the shipping when it's consolidated.
You must be listia verified, and I don't refund credits.
non-smoking animal loving home.
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