Free: *NIB* CenturyLink 660 Series Router/Modem - Other Computer Items - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: *NIB* CenturyLink 660 Series Router/Modem

*NIB* CenturyLink 660 Series Router/Modem
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The listing, *NIB* CenturyLink 660 Series Router/Modem has ended.

Brand new in box - opened only for pictures. this is a dsl modem for high speed internet service. it comes with the modem, 3 dsl filters, phone line, ethernet cable, instructions, and power cord. model #: eq660r-f1 adsl router. this is the modem that our local phone company (centurylink) send out to their dsl customers.
***please read*** modems are used with a subscription from your dsl provider. please check with your local provider to make sure this item is compatible with the service they provide. this modem is not guaranteed to work with your provider. please, check with your provider before bidding****
Questions & Comments
Perfect!!!! I hope I win!!!!!
Oct 19th, 2011 at 5:40:02 PM PDT by
I hope you do too!!
Oct 19th, 2011 at 6:24:02 PM PDT by
Would you think about making the days shorter?
Oct 19th, 2011 at 6:39:02 PM PDT by
Not right now I am trying to get some credits build. Up
Oct 19th, 2011 at 6:48:36 PM PDT by
um i may be wrong, but doesnt century link ask you to return these if you do not use them? or do they actually have stores they sell them? i never was given the option to buy mine when i was a customer at century link, they made me return mine cause they said it is they're property. and is this a modem with a router built in or can it be used soley as a router if need be?
Oct 26th, 2011 at 6:48:26 PM PDT by
When you are a prepay customer they send you a new modem every time you get disconnected and pay to get your service turned back on. It is just the modem. Prepay customers do not have to return them. I thought that was a weird policy, but I have no complaints.
Oct 26th, 2011 at 9:22:54 PM PDT by
lol i thought i would ask, yeah im lookin for a good wireless router myself, if ya post any with free shipping let me know and i'd definatly bid on them its good to know that this is legit hehe sorry about the statement above but i HAD to ask you know, didnt want ya gettin in trouble for selling it if they wanted it back :-)
Oct 27th, 2011 at 3:51:23 AM PDT by
I understand and wasn't offended in no way. I have several routers I just have to find them.99.99% of my auctions are free shipping.
Oct 27th, 2011 at 6:09:54 AM PDT by
Can you tell me the brand and any other numbers or anything about it so that I can contact my new company (ATT) and then I wont have to buy one from them. I am changing over from cable internet/tv to Satelitte but they only offer Att for internet. Its going to be a big slow down but it is 1/3rd the price combined and they are putting in a house phone too. I would like to be able to check with ATT and then I will bid.
Legends Laraine
Oct 27th, 2011 at 9:09:01 AM PDT by
Sure thing - the model # is EQ660R-F1 ADSL ROUTER. Even though it says router is a Modem. It is a CenturyLink 660 Series brand. It has a connection for the DSL line, the ethernet line, and the power cord. It also has an on/off and reset buttons.
Oct 27th, 2011 at 10:50:35 AM PDT by
BTW_Great Auction-I fanned and am watching.
Legend Laraine
Oct 27th, 2011 at 9:10:30 AM PDT by
Thank you Legend Laraine
Oct 27th, 2011 at 10:46:24 AM PDT by
Default avatar m
wow i hope i win
Oct 28th, 2011 at 10:45:19 AM PDT by
Me, too!
Oct 28th, 2011 at 10:55:19 AM PDT by
this comment has been hidden
Oct 22nd, 2011 at 3:34:58 PM PDT by
At this point I refuse to dignify.this answer.
Oct 22nd, 2011 at 11:42:06 PM PDT by
@Legend Laraine I have a used AT&T wireless modem/router, but it is in storage, it will probably be about a week or so before I can get to it.
Oct 27th, 2011 at 11:08:15 AM PDT by
Oct 27th, 2011 at 2:03:54 PM PDT by

*NIB* CenturyLink 660 Series Router/Modem is in the Computers & Networking | Other Computer Items category