Free: EMERALD CALCITE CRYSTAL, 32.4g. - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, EMERALD CALCITE CRYSTAL, 32.4g. has ended.

Green Calcite can be used to assist in the manifestation process. Green Calcite will also bring in the energy of trust, allowing that what has been manifested will be received. It is a wonderful stone to utilize for those who raise and tend to gardens, plants, and herbs.

Use Green Calcite when working with the Heart Chakra to bring emotional balance and knowledge of Divine Love. Great for body layouts, Green Calcite can be placed directly on the Heart Chakra to forge a better connection between the nadis (energy channels) and chakras.

Helpful for reaching mental balance, Green Calcite helps to dissolve old energy patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back. Green Calcite assists during times of mental change or big transitions. Use Green Calcite to help release the comfortable, old programs that you may be holding on to but which no longer serve you. A peaceful stone, Green Calcite can help one to look at situations differently, with the knowledge that, whether good or bad, "This too, shall pass".

Physically, Green Calcite stimulates the immune system. Rigid old ideas can manifest as bone issues in the body, thus Green Calcite is useful for bone, ligament, and joint issues. Please note that Green Calcite should be cleansed thoroughly after use.
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Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Moonstone: Honors the Goddess in all women, Dieting, Gardening, Psychic Awareness, Meditation. Soothes stress, anxiety, women's hormones/menstrual imbalance, lymph. Enhances intuitive sensitivity via feelings and less overwhelmed by personal feelings. Greater flexibility and flow with life. Used for protection against the perils of travel. Help cool, soothe, and calm over-reactions to emotional and personal situations. Beneficial for those involved in agriculture. Moonstone's effect upon the menstrual cycle is powerful. At the time of the full moon or menstruation, women should be aware of their sensitive emotional nature and remove these stones. May help all parts of the lower torso, which include digestive, cleansing and reproductive organs. It is recommended for farmers, artists, dancers and young men. Passionate love that will fly you to the moon. It is said if you give your lover a moonstone necklace when the moon is full you will always have passion with each other. Brings good fortune, Assists in foretelling the future, Enhances intuition Promotes inspiration, Brings success in love as well as business matters
Offers protection on land and at sea, It can reunite lovers who have quarreled, considered a good luck stone. Moonstone stimulates the functioning of the pineal gland and balances internal hormone cycles with nature's rhythms. Moonstone is a stone of inner growth and strength. Though often considered to be a woman's stone, it can be beneficial to men in opening the emotional self.
Nov 27th, 2015 at 9:09:22 AM PST by
You had a listing awhile back that you suggested would be good for someone interested in growing an herb garden and I thought that was emerald calcified also. If not what was it? I already grow a few herbs and spices but I'm going to expand come spring.
Nov 27th, 2015 at 8:30:43 AM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
I'M RESEARCHING THE QUESTION... In meanwhile, here's a tip: You know those quartz fragments that I auctioning a lot of? they are exactly the same as the fragments this advertisement is pushing:
Chinese Quartz Crystals:
These pieces of Chinese quartz are excellent for energy work or as use for boosting plant growth, even though they are damaged or have broken tips. I like using points like this in plant pots to give houseplants an extra boost of energy. Sizes vary and cannot be hand picked. They're sold in sets of 5 and 10
Set of 5 - Only $33.95
Set of 10 - Only $57.95
Nov 27th, 2015 at 9:05:51 AM PST by

EMERALD CALCITE CRYSTAL, 32.4g. is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category