Free: NATURAL SKY BLUE CELESTITE CRYSTAL GEMSTONES; 16.6g. - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff


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Celestite is revered for its high frequency and Divine energies, and is known as a powerful healing crystal. Called a “teacher for the New Age", as it will connect one with the Angelic realms, allowing flow of higher frequencies into Crown and Third-Eye Chakras, and into Throat Chakra for expression. Brings mental calm and clarity in midst of any chaotic circumstance, Celestite can allow one to easily flow through a traumatic period and still come out on top.
It can relieve stress, anxiety and obsessive behaviors. It's a perfect piece to carry for singers, actors or speakers, as the energy will alleviate stage fright or nervousness. Celestite gives courage to those who suffer from agoraphobia. It can be beneficial for shy or timid children. It brings harmony and balance, and assists holder in finding and maintaining inner peace. Its ability to heighten divine intuition makes it especially useful for Reiki practice.
A stone for peace and harmony, Celestite has the potential to bring these qualities into daily living. It's a great facilitator for deep states of meditation, helping to calm the mind and open it to communication from the higher realms. Celestite is a perfect companion for dream time- will assist in recalling not only the dream, but also the specific details of the dream.
Physically, Celestite sends energy to the organs of the higher chakras, aiding the healing of disorders such as brain imbalances, cellular disorders, and ailments of eyes, ears, nose, and throat. Celestite can also act as a detoxifier and pain reliever.
Note that Celestite is very fragile- handle carefully. Don't keep these clusters in direct sunlight, as their color will fade. Recharge by wrapping the stone in a soft blue cloth and setting it in a drawer or box for up to two days.
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Questions & Comments
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Issues and Ailments:

*Physical: Body, Chronic-Pain, Ears-(Hearing), Headaches, Sleep, Sleep-Apnea, Throat, Thyroid, Tinnitus

*Emotional: Chaos, Depression, Forgiveness, Honesty, Kindness, Peace, Stress-Reducing, Stress/Tension

*Spiritual: Attract-Angels, Aura-Protection, Clairaudience, Clarity, Communication-with-Celestials-Planes/Guides, Consciousness, Contacting-Angelic-Realm, Meditation, Prayer, Precognition, Protection, Psychic, Serving-Humanity, Shamanic-Cleanser, Truth, Visualization, White-Light
Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:55:25 AM PST by
When people win your stones do you send the information about them ? If not where can I find it ?
Dec 2nd, 2015 at 9:43:36 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
tiffka, If you ask, I will readily send along information on your crystals, some folks have been dealing with crystals for so long that they don't feel the need for a page full of data from me. If you'd like to learn more, One of my very favorite sites, and one which I use regularly to help provide info on crystals and healing is this one:
The page itself is an extensive directory, but it's associated with pages and pages of info that can tell you pretty much anything you need to know. I hope this is a help, and if you have further questions, feel free to contact me and ask at any time! Have a great day, and a Happy and Joyous Holiday Season!
Namaste! Blessed be,
Victor ;-)>
Dec 3rd, 2015 at 6:56:34 AM PST by
Very pretty color!! How would the average bear like me distinguish Celestite from other similar crystal? Thnx Victor & I'd be glad to send you tuition fees :))
Dec 3rd, 2015 at 4:54:45 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
Celestite has the same structure as Barite (BaSO4), and forms very similar crystals. Celestite also forms with other colorful minerals, making very nice combinations. Blue Celestite with bright yellow sulfur is one of the most famous colorful combinations of minerals. The blue color of celestite has been attributed to the presence of minute amounts of gold. Celestite is only rarely an accessory mineral of ore veins which were formed from warm solutions. It is usually found in sedimentary rocks. The best occurrences are in cavities in sandstone or in limestone. The crystals usually form in the cavities and as geodes.
The flame test works best to distinguish celestite from barites, that may be of a similar color.
If the flame is a pale green, it is barite, but if the flame is red, it is celestite
In the United States large crystals were found in a large limestone quarry. On Kelley Island, Lake Erie region of Ohio. Celestite was also found in Kansas, Michigan, New York and the Glen Rose Formation in Texas. Its color in these occurrences is very often the characteristic blue. Fine blue crystals are found near Manitou, Colorado, and blue radiating columnar crystal intergrowths are found at Cripple Creek, Colorado, in the gold mines.
Dec 3rd, 2015 at 9:12:23 PM PST by
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A blue fibrous vein material from Beliwood, Blair County, Peimsylvania, described in 1791, was the original celestite, the first discovery of this mineral. Clay Center, Ohio is another limestone quarry, where pockets are filled with fine blue-to-white bladed celestite, associated with a brown fluorite and yellowish calcite. Colorless transparent crystals occur with the colemanite in geodes of the Death Valley area. Reddish cloudy crystals are found near Toronto, Canada. In the Sicilian sulfur mines, fine white elongated square crystals, an inch or so in length are associated with sulfur. These are the ones mentioned in the composition section of this article. Geodes with large blue crystals much like those from Kelley Island are found in Madagascar. Which is where our specimens are from. Celestite's popular sky blue color makes it a wonderful mineral specimen. It is also used
as an ore of strontium. Celestite(strontium sulphate) is used in fireworks, because of its ability to burn with a bright red flame. The beautiful red color of most fireworks is caused by adding a strontium compound to the pyrotechnic mixture.
Associated Minerals: calcite, dolomite, fluorite, galena, gypsum, strontianite, sulfur and sphalerite.
Dec 3rd, 2015 at 9:13:16 PM PST by
Yay!! I live in N.E. Wisconsin & love to go dig stuff up in Michigan PLUS my friends live in Cripple Creek so I have a place to park my don't care about rocks though AND I own some property south of Death Valley & have found some small geodes ujst like you described..I have been collecting rocks since I could walk but don't always know or remember what everything is..I'm happy with the "pretty or cool" factor of a specimen..Now I'm going to start fires to see if any of it is

Ty for sooo much for your info..I am a California native & really miss poking around the mountains & desert..Wouldn't it be awesome for all the rock collectors here to get together for a show & tell :))
Dec 3rd, 2015 at 9:32:12 PM PST by
Picture?type=square&access token=105469222550%7cd qfyki0ggnddypmnoq3ykmtsyq
That really would be cool! i've thought before that there should be a page for interests, or enthusiasts! bet we'd be very popular, and have fanboys and girls running all over the place! happy hunting susan!!
Dec 4th, 2015 at 5:56:39 AM PST by

NATURAL SKY BLUE CELESTITE CRYSTAL GEMSTONES; 16.6g. is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category