Free: Peace, Noel and Joy in Green - Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Peace, Noel and Joy in Green

Peace, Noel and Joy in Green
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The listing, Peace, Noel and Joy in Green has ended.

This auction is for the words Joy, Noel and Peace. 1 of each. These would be great on your scrapbook pages or cards. This does come from a house with a smoker and we have pets. I will put a piece of fabric softener sheet in with the item so it takes away the smell of his smoking. All Listia rules apply. If you decide you don't want the item after winning no points will be refunded. So please make sure you want it before bidding. I will be listing more colors and another Green set. So if you want a different color there will be others.
Questions & Comments
All colors are the same size
Noel 1 6/8 x 2 6/8
Joy 1 7/8 x 1 7/8
Peace 4 x 1 6/8
Dec 2nd, 2015 at 2:44:32 PM PST by

Peace, Noel and Joy in Green is in the Crafts | Scrapbooking & Paper Crafts category