The listing, Authentic Coach Demi Hobo Brown Leather Bag-F050-7542 has ended.
This is a extremely nice, preowned, authentic coach handbag. I purchased it and another handbag from the same person. This is a lovely bag, but since it makes my sixth Coach bag, my husband is encouraging me to "downsize" my purse collection. This bag is clean and hardly shows any signs of use. The previous owner says she was given it as a present from her husband and carried it a time or two and put it up, which is the reason she was selling it. Please see the many photos, I tried to show all angles and parts of purse. The outside closure is magnetized close. Inside is a single slip pocket. This bag is perfect for those times you just need a small bag or for the teenager who is into cute purses. The dimensions are-
8 1/2" L x 4" H x 2" D--the strap is 12" long and has the claw close on end that can be snapped in normal purse fashion or to one end to use like a wristlet. It has zipper closure on top of purse with leather pull tab.
*I am not offering GIN on this listing.
*I will not lower GIN when offered.
*I don't end early/shorten days.
*We have a smoke free, dog/cat friendly home.
*Sorry, no buyer's remorse, you win, it's yours.
*I only ship free to USA , Canada will be exact cost which can be paid to my Paypal.
*I only ship to verified Listia addresses, I must receive verified address within 7 days of auction end or I will relist and credits are forfeited,
*If the address given is incorrect and I get item(s) back, I will not mail again, shipping is expensive, please be sure of address.
*I don't do rudeness or arguing, that belongs in the block party.
*I will ship within 7 days of auction end with tracking which I will supply once it ships.
*I will answer questions as quickly as I can, but please read everything first as I try to be thorough when listing.
*I will gladly arrange local pickup.
Thanks so much for looking!