ok sounds great im ready when you are ,, one last question thou before you do and only because had a bad experienxce with someone elses sticker auction Can this be mailed without ,folding it , if answers yes please set up GIN For 6000
hello still here ? im not a picky person , im sorry if you took that wrong ,thinking about it i realize it may have been offensive ,of course just because another seller didn't ship well i shouldn't expect everyone else needs to be questioned on their common sense , , that seller knew they were wrecking their stickers ,it wasnt a small error they were wrecklessly destroyed as if the seller was in kindergarten and didnt know how to fold yet , i didn't give them a bad rating i try to learn not punish,,, so if i scared you off im sorry,, you know if you can send them or not and will do right thing ,,you have experience shipping,, they did not i just looked it up again while waiting,, UP TO YOU ?
yes i see that =(( i prefer to think they did not read the comments , WELL ID HAVE PAID YOUR gin but now i cant and cant bid either because it will be too late by time this auction ends , Bidder / karenirene i hope your willing to bid past her 6000 so she doesn't lose out,,