The listing, Prices from the Past (12-13-7) has ended.
Prices from the Past, from the editors of Reminisce magazine. 35 page, good condition paperback booklet, 5 1/2" X 8 1/2". Pictures, stories, prices from the past. A 1937 income tax return shows tax of 32 cents, which Roy Simpson paid. Now retired, he remarked that the 32 cents did not even pay the postage on his last return! Mary Atha is shown with a two pound coffee display and holding one priced at 57 cents. U of I in '59 often ate supper at McDonald's: three burgers, milk shake, and fries for 75 cents. Hospital charge for birth of boy in 1936 in Dayton Ohio was $19.00. Two years later, his brother's delivery cost $22.50. 35 pages to make you weep for "the good old days"!!!