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The listing, Rescued /Taterbug/PIC ONLY has ended.
listia does not allow live animals to be auctioned.Pic only Rescued her at 3 weeks.Can you guess how she got her name.Loves potato bags.Someone just left her on a bike path.She was a bit sickly.By the time she was 6 months old she had kidney failure.She is real healthy now but stunted.I fell in love with her.She has been my whole world for the last 4 years.I so love her.She does this davy crockett thing.places her paws around your forehead from behind and sits on your shoulder.Very special girl
Awwwww that's so cool, I've only been rescuing for almost 3 yrs now, and I fall in love with them all, but one I cried when I had to let her go, she gave birth while she was here and we raised and found homes for all the kittens as well through Petco adoptions. We have one named Angel (pure black, long hair) and he decides when he wants attention, then he will come up to you stand next to you and just meow continuously until you pet him, then the second you touch him he in in your lap, but if anyone else tries to pet him, he will run. It has to be on his terms for attention, can't even walk past him without him running and hiding. We also have his mom and a brother, Mom loves attention but again on her terms and she doesn't trust people she doesn't know. I love the different personalities between them all, right now we have 8 cats and I also adopted a rescue dog last June and he thinks he is a lap cat lol. I have a friend who goes to the referral colonies and does TNR but she will try to find them homes first and only re releases the ones she can't tame. She has been doing rescues for about 20 or more years now. My dream though is to start a sanctuary for farm animals. Just glad there are lots of people out there helping animals however they can.
Every time I see a cat picture on here, I'm surprised that people bid on them. I too rescue cats but would of never through of putting their pictures in an auction. in the last two years I've rescued and found new forever homes for about 75 cats. 5 we still have as they are too scared of other people still after several years, but they love us so we will keep them for life. Someone said to re release them but that's not in me to do that, once they are taken from the streets and loved it just doesn't seem right to put them back out there to me. Beautiful Pictures and lucky to have been rescued. I keep pictures of my rescues too :)
This is my 16th year of rescue.Rescued at least a thousand cats,kittens both tame and feral.Never once releasing them back where they came from. In my experience with cats that remain scared of people after a year or more is that the had been abused by someone. I had rescued 35 kittens from one apartment area here.All of them had ringworm.out of the 35 kittens 5 didnt tame down like the others.There was another lady rescuing there as well.We found there was a boy taking a base ball bat to them and the other rescue person turned him in.After that rescuing there was over.The boys family and friends started to give us trouble.I found 4 people who understood they were going to take a lot to tame them but didnt care what work they had to put in to tame them.1 we still have.Its been 5 years now and over the last year she has decided she wants to get some love. She will pick either me ore my husband to ask.If your not the one she is asking and try to pet her too she will run.She has times she wants under the covers with me to be petted.But when she is done she is gone.She will remain here.Plus we have 4 others that live with us.The one on the potato bag is my whole world.She is so special the any other cats I have seen.She likes to get on the back of the couch behind you and wrap her paws around your forehead and sit there like a davey crockett hat. She will fall asleep under the covers with me,stretch her paws over your arm as far as she can.When comfortable she makes the cutest mone sounds..We have also rescued dogs,birds and ferrets
The Lord bless you for what you are doing for these poor pets. I too had 2 pregnant cats show up at my house, being nothing but skin and bones, so sad. I started feeding them and nursed them back to good health. They decided to stay and adopt us as their owners. I have suspicion that it was one of our close neighbors that had abused them. I have had some of my cats come back home shot and bleeding, beer poured over them, kicked so bad that part of their face was deformed and unfortunately one was shot and killed and another one shot and later got hit by a car a couple weeks ago. It tears my heart up seeing cats treated so badly. They don't do anything to them, maybe use the bathroom, but my cats are outdoor cats and there is nothing I can do to keep them from wandering. These neighbors know it too, people hooked on drugs and alcohol with no conscience. Sad the police don't do something about them, but I continue to pray for them. Especially protection over my beautiful cats. Thank you for sharing your story. You are a beautiful person through and through. Jesus sees your heart! God bless you!