If you want to pay for signature confirmation to cover both of us, reason being to many people do that then say they never got then say in fact we never sent you our address so how could you have shipped it then the seller loses his item. Plus shipping and his points thank you daniel
I have no problem with that but I will have to charge for signature confirmation which is 2dollar and some change to cover myself people are saying they are not getting there items and to prove it they are saying I never sent you my sddress so they get the item plus there points back thank you daniel
No problem, i've had over 50 customers that have given feedback that they recieved the item I was selling so I don't think you will be any different But since the questions why don't you want to provide your address on here nobody but me can see it and as soon as I mark it shipped I can't even see it anymore, I am told it is against listia rules not to go thru listia thank you daniel