Free: Winner takes *ALL* Chunky Genuine ♥ Amethyst ♥ beads ~NINE beads~ Gem Quality *FREE US Ship* - Beading & Jewelry Supplies - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Winner takes *ALL* Chunky Genuine ♥ Amethyst ♥ beads ~NINE beads~ Gem Quality *FREE US Ship*

Winner takes *ALL* Chunky Genuine ♥ Amethyst ♥ beads ~NINE beads~ Gem Quality *FREE US Ship*
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The listing, Winner takes *ALL* Chunky Genuine ♥ Amethyst ♥ beads ~NINE beads~ Gem Quality *FREE US Ship* has ended.

♦ Win multiple listings before I ship ♦
I will send you a BONUS!
~ ~ ~
Winner takes all NINE genuine amethyst beads ... several large rough-cut chunks, some smaller smoother chunks, and one little one ... most with a gemstone-quality deep rich purple color!

The two largest chunks are ¾ inch ... they are are drilled through the long way. What you see is what you get ...this is the ONLY lot of these!

I am listing another lot of Amethyst chunk beads~ search "natahoa beads" to find that listing.

These amethysts were ~VERY expensive~ to buy, years ago. My guess is that you would pay $30 or more for these unusual amethyst beads, if you could find them. And I will ship to the lucky winner FREE!

Please check my other listings for MANY jewelry-making supplies I have on Listia.

My BEST deals are my
★ ~STASH~ listings ★
Choose from MANY "must-have" beads and findings you need in your stash!

I have MULTIPLE "stash" listings ~ the higher the quantity, the lower the per-item price!
I also have both free or paid shipping (very low credits, but you pay shipping). If you buy credits, my "paypal ship" listings cost LESS than buying enough credits to win my free-shipping listings!
My "stash" and other listings offer:
♥ sterling & silver plate earring wires
♥ headpins with balls and EYEpins
♥ Stud earring (heart and round, silver and gold)
♥ stardust and spacer beads
♥ daisy spacers
♥ and of course, my spiral tubes ... the most popular beads on Listia!

Type "natahoa beads" in the search box to find my STASH and other listings for jewelry-makers on ONE search page!

~Please don't ask me to fan you.~
I only fan someone after a ♥ HAPPY ♥ transaction ~ I hope to fan you soon!

Search 'natahoa beads" and have fun shopping!
Questions & Comments
HMMM..... So I think I should grab these babies (if they are Uruguay they are a good 30 bucks a piece) but then I would have to have you put your return addy on so I could send you a goody or 2....ask Susan54961, she's my friend I have never met, but she did live where I do at one time and I feel a weird connection to's a good connection!!!
Jan 18th, 2016 at 1:30:51 AM PST by
Isn't that awesome ... the connections we can make on Listia!

I bought these long ago on Ebay, and I really don't remember what I paid, but they were expensive ... I'd LOVE to see what you do with them! I could NOT make them work for any design I tried.

Keep in mind that these are likely to get a LOT of bids toward the end. I can't predict the future, of course (wish I could) but the bidding could go way high. If you can't babysit the end of the listing, I suggest you bid as much as you can and let it ride ...

Good luck!
Jan 18th, 2016 at 5:42:11 AM PST by
Your amethyst listings are excellent!! Gem quality is not cheap either..Watching & bidding. Happy New Year & your listings is my party safer & warmer :)
Dec 31st, 2015 at 8:39:02 PM PST by
I had them listed several times with GIN, but no one pulled the trigger. So I'm curious to see how high they go! Could be higher than my old GIN, could be lower .. ya never know!

Did you see my other lot of amethyst? I also have jasper and amazonite listed. Search "natahoa beads" to find all those listings!

Thanks Susan ... I have so many nice beads, I really need to get more of them listed.
Jan 1st, 2016 at 8:30:56 AM PST by
★ Do YOU buy credits? ★

If you do, please NOTE:
My Low GIN/paid shipping listings cost LESS than buying enough credits to win my free-shipping listings.

My "paid shipping" listings ~most are $5 shipping~ are priced at LEAST 30,000 credits lower than my free shipping listings. Listia's current "sale" on credits costs $5 for 27,000 credits.

My Low GIN (paid shipping) listings will SAVE you money ~ spend your money wisely!

To find my “low GIN” paid-shipping listings
★ type “ natahoa” in the search box ★
Add “charms” to the search if you want to see my charms, add “beads” to the search to see only my jewelry-making supplies.

♥ SO EASY! ♥

Search "natahoa" and have fun shopping!
Jan 2nd, 2016 at 9:50:00 AM PST by
These are so beautiful, Do you tumble them yourself and make them into beads ??? Just wondering, It was something my great grandfather did
Jan 6th, 2016 at 6:27:32 PM PST by
No, I bought these a long time ago but never made anything with them. I tried a few things, but just never had the time or inspiration. They need a new home.

Good luck!
Jan 7th, 2016 at 9:16:51 AM PST by
The deep purple look like Uruguay Amethyst. If I didn't have over 300 pounds I'd love some!! Watching, been a fan for a long time, and good luck...someone will be very satisfied!!!!
Jan 14th, 2016 at 8:14:39 PM PST by
They are a nice color, but I have no idea where various stones are mined. If you have that many maybe YOU should list some ... share a little, eh?

I have a TON of great jewelry-making supplies on Listia ... my "stash" listings let you choose from more than 50 items. Please check them out!

Search "natahoa beads" to see all of my jewelry-making supplies ... have fun shopping!
Jan 16th, 2016 at 4:15:47 PM PST by
Thank you!!! I'm a hunter, not a jewelry maker, I am horrible at it!! lol! But to find, slab, cut, tumble or polish I am a wiz!!!
Jan 18th, 2016 at 8:56:50 AM PST by

Winner takes *ALL* Chunky Genuine ♥ Amethyst ♥ beads ~NINE beads~ Gem Quality *FREE US Ship* is in the Crafts | Beading & Jewelry Supplies category