Just wondering if you made a account with it i have one of these already was just looking for a nuther but if you have a account with the game already there is not use for it for me.
My son really wanted this for his birthday, but now I am unsure that I should be getting this one, as if you need a key to play and the key can only be used once, and it was "attempted" there is a good likelihood that it will not work. Drats! Think I will pass, unfortunately. :(
it was bought new for mt sons b day and he couldn't get it to work in his there is a website you can go to to trouble shot but his computer is for school so i told him not to or he could have to start over on it cause some of the programs seems to conflict with his puter
I am not shure what to do if to bid or not seems a little Skechy she is right if ou have the game then you can cal teck saport and get a new key. but somthing seems wird about the buy..