Free: **!THE INCREDIBLE OPALITE EGG!** - Other Collectibles - Auctions for Free Stuff


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The listing, **!THE INCREDIBLE OPALITE EGG!** has ended.

AT 102.5 GRAMS, THIS IS A GOOD SIZED EGG! Opalaite is a man-made opalized glass resin that is fused with metal to create an opalescent effect. Opalite is a trade-name for man-made precious opal imitation. It is usually made of plastic or resin. The play of color is simulated through inclusions of cellophane or similar material.~Comes with a small *clear circular* plastic stand
~Looks magical under water~
~Opalite: “Stone of eternity,” brings forth the understanding of the true-self, the true spirit, to free the spirit; Brings knowing that one can soar higher than expected, to unimaginable goals.

Current rate:
6,250 Credits / US$1
yes our starting fees have gone up, that's because listia has such a fluctuation of their dollar to credit ratio, we are all getting killed! as of right now this is the current rate, you can find it on your "buy credits" section
********************PLEASE READ*********************
that means if we ask for a start bid of 30 thousand (35000) credits...that only equals 5 dollars and in most of my auctions that 5 bucks covers only the cost i pay to ship it to you...period! it's like i am paying you to take it off of my hands!!!!!! not cool! plus if you have ever sold anything on here, we pay a listing fee, and if we want it bold, it cost a few grand more again! BUT IT IS STILL FREE FOR YOU!

we work hard (i know i do) on our auctions to make them nice and fun, please take these things into consideration when bidding and commenting... thanks, deb
xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox good luck!!!!!!
Questions & Comments
Well said!!!! So true!! Thanks for putting into words what I have been thinking for so long...about the horribly unsteady ratio of credits to dollars. It cost me almost a dollar to mail each of the photos I offer on here, and I am fighting to keep the opening bid at 499.
Fanning and watching but not sure I will have enough credits to bid. :-(
Will check to see what else you are listing.
Jan 9th, 2016 at 2:10:52 PM PST by
I'm mix and matching right now.... expensive coupled with inexpensive!!!! That could be fun!!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoox Thanks again, you are so sweet!
Jan 18th, 2016 at 4:37:17 PM PST by
Well I'll just go find something that I won't go in the hole to send ya... :) Keep watching.... and thank you!!!
Jan 15th, 2016 at 5:11:41 AM PST by
GET IT BEFORE IT'S GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONLY ELEVEN.......COUNT EM, 11 ....ELEVEN..... (11) HOURS TO GO AND THEN IT'S GOING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>GOING>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Jan 24th, 2016 at 4:52:03 AM PST by

**!THE INCREDIBLE OPALITE EGG!** is in the Collectibles | Other Collectibles category