The listing, New! A Savior Worth Having By E. V. Hill has ended.
Despite his many years as a powerful and passionate preacher, Dr.Hill has never before published a book.
But that haunting question asked so many years ago, and the many answers to it that Dr. Hill has delivered in pulpits and conferences everywhere, have at last found their way into this insightful and deeply moving book, A Savior Worth Having.
Clearing away the clutter of theological jargon and discussions of dogma, Reverend Hill speaks straight to our hearts. When he spells out for us, simply and clearly, what 'having Jesus' means to our lives and our souls, both new believers and longtime Christians will feel their spirits soar with the love and glory that is Christ.
In all the roles He fill, in all the help He brings, in all the ways He loves us, Jesus is our Savior. And when we come to know Him this way, we know that He is all we need. He is indeed A Savior Worth Having.