Free: MTG - Magic the Gathering - M15 Rare - Trading Card Games - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: MTG - Magic the Gathering - M15 Rare

MTG - Magic the Gathering - M15 Rare
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This Stuff is Free Too:

The listing, MTG - Magic the Gathering - M15 Rare has ended.

You are bidding on the card pictured. It is brand new from package.

Hornet Queen
Creature - Insect
M15 - Rare

See card for details

I often include bonus cards if bids are good.
No GIN this time.


The boring stuff that you need to read:

I ship cards in a sleeve protector, folded in paper, in a stamped envelope through the United States Postal Service. Once the item has been mailed, I no longer have control over what happens. I can only trust the postal service to deliver it.

Shipping is free inside the U.S. Unfortunately, I cannot ship outside the U.S. at this time. I also cannot provide free upgraded delivery or tracking on auctions of this nature.

No one in my house smokes -- the adults, the child, or the cats.

Please message me if you have any difficulties or questions and I will do my best to resolve things fairly to your satisfaction.

Restrict your comments to inquiries or remarks of a positive nature.

Please do not advertise on my auctions unless you message and ask me first. I rarely agree to this.

I ship to verified addresses only, according to the timeframes in the Terms of Use. Failure to provide an appropriate address in the appropriate time frame is a forfeiture of credits.

All this being said, I am very reasonable and easy to work with. Simply message me if you have questions or problems.

Happy bidding!
Questions & Comments

MTG - Magic the Gathering - M15 Rare is in the Collectibles | Trading Cards | Trading Card Games category