Free: 1984 Kennedy half dollar - stamped - Coins - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: 1984 Kennedy half dollar - stamped

1984 Kennedy half dollar - stamped
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The listing, 1984 Kennedy half dollar - stamped has ended.

You are bidding on a 1984 Kennedy half dollar. The l984 half is a clad coin, not silver.

This particular coin has apparently been "dipped" in something - not sure what - it has an extremely shiny appearance (too shiny for silver!). The shine does not show up in the scan, sorry.

The dates 1960 and 1980 have been stamped into the coin above the motto "In God We Trust". You can see the dates in scan one.

I am not sure who reworked this coin, or why. I also don't know for sure the significance of the dates 1960 - 1980. But, I suspect this is a comemorative that was put out by some group to mark the 20th anniversary of the election of John F Kennedy.

There is no paperwork, etc. available.
Questions & Comments
I have this same coin at home I have been wondering for a long time what the deal was with mine, it has the same markings and everything. fanned
Nov 7th, 2011 at 6:37:37 AM PST by

1984 Kennedy half dollar - stamped is in the Collectibles | Coins category