You could put your bid in before you go to work, listia won't put you max bid in until someone raises their bid, for example if tom bid 564 and james bid 1000, james bid would show as 575 and joe bids 975, then james has outbid joe with 1,000 credits, if you get a lunch break I would get the listia app and check on it during you lunch break (if you have time) just trying to save you from having to use ebay, I hope this helps.
I cant lower the day on my rare cards, sorry, if it was a common card, I could. I have about 1000 cards so if you are looking for a particular card I can take a look to see if I have it.
"Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon-Shonen Jump Limited Edition Secret Rare- Yu-Gi-Oh Card. The wording is holographic silver and the photo is holographic . This card secret rare limited edition" Source google search.
Yes, I will ship to Canada I ask for $2 to help pay towards shipping, If you win multiple auctions from me I will do combined shipping with cards that usually means I can ship multiple cards for the price of shipping one.