Free: Clemson Spineless Okra seeds 15+ - Gardening Seeds & Bulbs - Auctions for Free Stuff

FREE: Clemson Spineless Okra seeds 15+

Clemson Spineless Okra seeds 15+
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The listing, Clemson Spineless Okra seeds 15+ has ended.

Offer is for 15+ Clemson Spineless Okra seeds. This is a very heavy yielding variety which can grow very tall. I like to top(cut the top off) my plants when they get about 4-5 ft tall. They will naturally bush out at that point and make harvesting easier. Okra can be picked and used at any stage but I prefer to harvest them at about 3-4 inches for frying. Larger pods are great for soup or gumbo or even left to collect seeds later. If you want to collect seeds, leave late pods on plants until they begin to dry out and seed removal is much easier.

All Listia rules apply as usual. I ship free to U.S. Listia verified addresses only. Please provide verified address within 7 days of offer end or item may be relisted and you will lose your credits. Sorry.
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Clemson Spineless Okra seeds 15+ is in the Home & Garden | Gardening | Gardening Seeds & Bulbs category